A Love Song for Spring- Five Minute Poetry

The Flowers Appear on the Earth

Today’s Five Minute Friday word challenge is on the word Beloved.  I did something a little different today.  Because I have a personal goal of writing poetry again, I use my 5 minutes to write a poem once a week, on these Fridays.  However, today’s word instantly made a memory come to mind.  What I did was get that memory out and write for 5 minutes (or maybe slightly under), and then with the memory I wrote on, a poem was inspired.  I took another 5 to write the poem.  So, you will actually see 2 Five Minute Fridays in one today.  A memory followed by my poem.  Linked at Lisa Jo’s here.   Go The word beloved immediately takes me back to when I was in the high school … Continue Reading

Be Your Own Valentine-A Practice in Self Love

Happy Valentine’s Day to all of you and a big HUG from me :).  Today I wanted to do something other than the typical Valentine stuff out there that is meant for couples.  I know not everyone has a significant other they will be sharing the big day of love with for whatever reason, and I want EVERYONE to know that no matter if you are single or in a relationship, this day is still for YOU.  Aside from the fact that first and foremost, I believe there is a God who loves us , I want to talk to you today about self love, because I believe that is so important.  You can and should be your own Valentine!     Although I do happen to have someone to … Continue Reading

A Victor Hugo Valentine for You-Wordless Wednesday + Henry’s World Giveaway

To Love Another Person is to See the Face of God

  A Valentine I created for You for Wordless Wednesday (plus enter a giveaway for a good cause below!     What does this quote mean to you? Do you have a favorite Love Quote? a Rafflecopter giveaway  This giveaway is for Henry’s World.  It’s a great charitable cause!  For some reason the rafflecopter is not showing with the code I was provided, so please click on the word’s “A Rafflecopter Giveaway” to enter!  You can also go HERE to learn more about Henry’s and to enter. Share This ArticleTweet

Bare Trees And Bare Souls – A FMF Poem

It’s Five Min. Friday.  You probably know the drill by now.  This is where I freely write for five minutes flat on whatever comes to mind with the word of the day.  Because I have a goal of writing more poetry again , I try to use my five minutes to write a poem with the word.  You never know what will come out when the timer starts though!  I do tend to write poetry with lines broken up in to small pieces, which makes it look like I am fitting a lot more words on to the page than I actually am.  This is how I write best in a time crunch!  Today’s word: BARE   Go Bare Trees & Bare Souls:   In Winter, I walk in stark … Continue Reading

Be the Change-Creating New Things in Your Life (Series on Change Pt. 5)

I meant to pick up my series on Change again in January (for the new year and all), but things happen, and such is life.  However, you don’t need a new year to dive in to anything- There is no time like the present!  So picking up where we last left off.  If you are new to “We Live Inspired!”, and want to catch up on an inspirational series I am doing on change and how to deal with it, you can click on the archives HERE to be taken directly to all of the previous posts.   Last time I shared that one of my favorite quotes that I try to live by is “Be the Change You wish to see in the world”.  I also mentioned how my … Continue Reading

Always Believe in Miracles – Five Minute Friday

Inspirational Quote about Believing in Miracles

Five Minute Friday is about to begin.  As soon as I find out the word, I will get to writing for 5 minutes flat, just freely let whatever wants to come out come out.  That is how it works, so you never know what you will get.   Then after I am done I will be sharing what I wrote at the Gypsy Mama’s website HERE and stopping by to read what others have written.     Today’s word is “Afraid”.  The very word causes an emotional response in me, because I can picture many things in my life to go with this word!  But today I want to share what a very special friend in my life taught me about Miracles.   Go   I can picture the scene so … Continue Reading

Five Minute Friday Poem-And So I Begin Again…

Lily of the valley

It’s Five Minute Friday and Today’s Word is “AGAIN“.  Here I go (free verse poetry style)  Go   And So I Begin Again…  (First stanza) Sometimes in life everything crashes down around you Like a once solid structure built up from the ground Having seen better days and having much wear That comes crumbling down brick by brick or board by board. But things can be rebuilt. As it is with life, we go through these periods of undoing or breaking down. It is in those moments that we are making way for something new to be reborn. Like the phoenix rising out of the ashes, Everything has its time. Things run their course. When we get to that “turning to ashes” point, We may lie there in the rubble … Continue Reading

The Cat That Wanted To Party- A True (Funny) Story

Funny Cat

Did you all have a good weekend?  I had a rather sleepless one myself.  Aside from the fact that I have been struggling with insomnia worse again lately (Gah!), I was forced to deal with the Cat that wouldn’t sleep , but instead wanted to “Party”.  Let me explain it to you Dr. Seuss style…   Around 3:30 am on a Saturday Morn I laid there (not sleeping) much to my scorn My head was a pounding, a sinus headache The wind was a whistling, a loud sound it did make! I tried to get comfy, but my head said “No way!” So I got up for some Tylenol, to keep pain at bay. I hunkered back in , it was about Four But I was finally warm and sleepy-ready … Continue Reading

The Art of Being Cherished- Five Minute Poetry

It’s Five Minute Friday and today’s word is CHERISHED.  I am going to try to write for 5 minutes poetry style again and then go visit the person who wrote before me (as the rules go 🙂 )  I am having to clear my head here because when I heard the word for today you know what pops in my head?  Bum..bum! Bum bum..Cherish is the word I use to describe …do do do do do do do …  Some oldies song that I happen to know all the words to but can’t remember who wrote it.  Anyways, here goes…   Go The Art of Being Cherished You are cherished, you are loved. Whether you realize it or not, You are. Sometimes we feel less than – Broken, used up … Continue Reading

Cat Colony Christmas Photos (Their First Christmas)

One last set of photos to share from Christmas for (mostly) Wordless Wednesday.  If you have been keeping up with my blog, then by now you know about my efforts to help a Feral and Stray Cat Colony issue in my neighborhood.  All of the photos today are of colony cats.  Some of them are the outside ones we help, and some of them are indoor ones that have now been adopted.  This was their first Christmas! 🙂 We wanted to bring a little joy to their lives.  If you would like to read more about the colony cats I care for and their stories, you can click HERE to be taken to the archives, or just look for the Cat Colony tab on my website.  Looking out for the … Continue Reading

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