Over the years we have had all kinds of dinner guests, but lately there is this one guy who is quite hairy.
He started out as a party crasher at birthday dinners & other celebrations only (he knows how to work a crowd), and now he has decided to become a permanent fixture. I can’t decide if he’s rude or polite- horning in on meals without an invitation. That is the rude part. But then again- he DOES sit there ever so quietly-acting all calm and patient. Plus- he never says a word. Who can argue with that? I decided it was fruitless to resist him since he is not a quitter anyways. “So what if he is the hairiest guy I have ever eaten dinner with?” I asked myself. “He is kind of cute.” And that was how he won me over with his charm. The rest is history.
Would you like to meet this hairy guy?

Here he is at my Birthday Party this year… (p.s. this image is watermarked because it is one of my card designs. It will be available in my future store on here, so if you would like a print or card-please let me know!)
Those last 2 photos were taken with my cell phone , so they are not very large and clear. Sometimes all you have is a cell phone cam near by for these moments!
He now has to have his own chair (for if he doesn’t the cheeky fellow will sit on my lap during meal time!). So, he is now a welcome and always invited guest for meals (I hear he even must have breakfast at the table). I must say his table manners are quite good considering his “animal” nature (ha!) ;). He always sits patiently in the chair and only eats if a morsel of food or a plate is presented to him.
We are thinking of getting him a high chair! I think he would rather enjoy eating “fancy feast” at meal time with the rest of us. I have a hunch he will not like the high chair though. Hairy as he is (and quite the party animal I hear…) , he is still a bit dignified and I bet will prefer the regular chairs that the rest of us use. If he does get said high chair, you can bet your bottom dollar pictures will pop up here at We Live Inspired!
So my friends, who sits at YOUR dinner table ? Do you ever have any unexpected guests for dinner?
~Make life magical & whimsical (it’s more fun that way 😉 )! ~Rebekah

Not any like this one! I do have this cat that sits on my car and refuses to get off when I’m trying to go places..he follows me everywhere!
you have those too huh? 🙂 I also have some outdoor kitties that follow me everywhere, so I can relate! Cats are something else, aren’t they?
What’s your dinner guest’s name?
Oh- I didn’t say did I? His name is Rusty and he is about 8 years old. 🙂
He’s charming. I have 3 guests that come to dinner… and lunch and breakfast. Normally they’ll start off on the chair but get impatient and decide to get up close and personal with the main dishes on the table. The cat hair adds a bit of flavouring though. 🙂
Years ago we had a cat who would join us at meal times. As a family of six all the seats were taken so she had to settle for a lap. You wouldn’t know she was there until a little paw would come and swipe the plate, stealing a pea or whatever was closest 🙂
I love that image of a cat stealing a pea! The thought of kitty paws appearing makes me squeal from the cuteness :). I always get that way when I see a little kitty paw come under the door for me. Do you ever notice they always do that when you are going to the bathroom?
My husband makes the school lunches and all 7 of our animals sit and wait for scraps to fall! First it was just the dogs and then the cats started sitting on the chairs waiting too. What a sight…it’s hysterical. A bunch of mooches. Of course he indulges them when he finishes.
He is one of the cutest guys I’ve met too 🙂 He looks like he’s part of the family now. Persistance pays out, right?
Once in a while Sophie will sit up and survey the table, but our cats like to sleep on our chairs rather than sit.
Hi Valerie! Thanks for stopping by. I love the name Sophie. What breed of cat is she? Rusty is the only cat who sits upright at the table like a person. Both my cats, and my parents other cats lie down in chairs like what you described.
Sophie is a white/tortoiseshell mix. She’s very pretty.