Hello Inspired Friends! It’s a snowy Friday evening (a poetic Friday in fact!) but by the time you receive this via email it will be Saturday morning. Poetic Friday’s are important to me (I mean poetry has been a big part of my life since elementary school AND has always been a major source of inspiration for me). I am going to be taking a break from posting MY new poetry during Five Minute Friday’s for awhile. I may still do Five Minute Friday’s here, but just write regularly on the word instead of poetry style. No worries for those that enjoy my poems though- I am not going to stop writing them! The thing is I am working pursuing my lifelong dream of publishing poetry books.
So here is the deal- I will continue to write poems each week with the word of the week that I get from the Five Minute Friday Community, but I will be keeping the majority of those poems secret for now. I have to have some new, never been seen before material for the books! This is totally an adventure, a leap of faith and a who knows what will happen thing. AND if you all have a dream in your heart I want to encourage you to go for it too. God has given you a gift. We each have special gifts to give the world. If you need encouragement for your dream and want to share it with me (and put it out in the universe) please don’t hesitate to email , comment here, FB me, whatever 😀 . I’m your cheerleader as we are on this inspired living journey together.
Now back on track – I am currently in the process of copying down all the poems from the We Live Inspired website and all the poems from my journals at home (P.S. if you want to check out my poetry archives, just head on over to the blog HERE and click on the moon face on the right sidebar). I am organizing them into different journals based on the categories I think they would fit best in (since I write so many diverse things). So far I have 2 main books:
- A book of Whimsical , lighthearted & FUN poetry book for children and us big kids too. This one has my fairy poems, moon story, and a new poem I haven’t released to you guys yet that just tickles me to death. It’s called “If I Could I’d Send You a Rainbow”. This will be the more challenging book because I want it illustrated with gorgeous, whimsical illustrations. I am currently trying to decide if I will put these all in one illustrated poetry book , or if some will be separated into individual children’s picture books.
- The Inspirational, encouraging Christian/Spirit filled poems I write. I already have a title for this book and this book has 25 poems in it so far. The good news for this book is that I can also do the illustrations myself via my photography and graphic art. There will be inspiring photos and maybe devotions to go with (debating on that part still).
Here are what my poetry journals look like that I am organizing the content in for now:
I also want to do a third nature inspired book, but haven’t gone as far with that yet.
What’s My Plan Stan?!
I don’t have a plan muahaha. Ok, I do. Sort of. I have 2 plans. Plan A (my favorite plan) or plan B (Back up plan Stan). Plan A is that at some point here in the near future I am going to start writing query letters and some publisher will fall in love with me and sign me on. I learned from Best Selling author SARK to re-frame potentially daunting (or scary) words like “query letter” to something more FUN and playful to move energy. She told me this in the WINS program I took with her last year, and reminded me again recently in our Facebook group. So, my query letters are not called query letters anymore. I have dubbed them “Magical Introduction Letters”.
Anyhow, I have done my research and found a couple of publisher’s that fit with my style AND accept submissions from first time authors without agents. I am getting closer to submitting something. I just have to pick out my best stuff. Part 2 of plan A is that I may also look into getting an agent if need be. That sounds kinda scary too, so I will call them my “Secret Agent Man” (you can click those words to hear the song haha).
Plan B is to self publish. Either way, it’s gonna happen. It may take awhile though. This stuff is a process and I am doing it around all the other stuffs I do. But in the mean time I will STILL be sharing poetry here to inspire you. I will just sometimes be doing poetry readings or sharing poetry from other people too. I will also share more of mine now and then.
And that is all that she wrote.
I will be back next Friday with one of my favorite Winter poems and a podcast of me reading it. (But I will be back before then with another blog post or two as well).
Go for your dreams. Never let them die. If there is something inside of you that has been there all along, why not bring it out and invite it to play with you, dance with you and see where it takes you! You never know unless you try. Love to you, Rebekah

I love that you’re bringing your dreams to life! If your books are half as beautiful as your journals (and I’m sure they will be), then they will be wondrous indeed!
Step by step. Micro-movements, right Dara? Thank you for stopping by and thank you always for creative support as we chase after our dreams :).