TGIF!! Yes, Thank Goodness it’s Friday! (Five Minute Friday that is). Who is ready for a laugh today ( I did a comedic twist for today’s post). The rules are you are supposed to write whatever comes to mind with the special word of the day. No over thinking, or over editing. Just pure writing flowing out however it wants to. The other super important rule is that you can’t be all about yourself here…you are supposed to visit the person who wrote before you and leave a comment. After all, that is what community is all about!
Today’s secret word was “Roots” (for other 80’s children out there…does the word of the day ever make you think of the show Pee-Wee’s play house? Or maybe it’s just me…. 🙂 )
Have you ever had one of those days where you lack motivation?
Everything seems overwhelming..too much to be done,
Too many excuses (some of them true!):
An “I’m too tired”, or an “I am too busy”.
Or a “Hey- it’s really important that I finish looking at these mail order catalogs!”-
after all- I am “sorting” out garbage (so really I AM cleaning )..and that is CRITICAL!
You have a pile of dishes in the kitchen sink…
A pile of laundry on the laundry room floor…
Maybe some laundry sitting in the washer that never made it in the dryer (mildew anyone?)
Or some laundry sitting there in the dryer getting all wrinkly!
There are floors to sweep…
Bathrooms to clean…
Meals to cook…
Pets to feed…
Litter to scoop…
Bills to do…
The list is endless.
Meanwhile what am I doing?
“Growing roots”.
Yup! That is what they say-
“You are growing roots again!”
I call it “Butt plant Syndrome” 😀
You know…that incurable disease where you can’t seem to get out of the chair?
It’s like there is some invisible super glue stuck to your rear that you just can’t seem to get rid of.
(Darn those makers of Super Glue! It’s all their fault!!)
But there are more important things to do….
Like blog posts to write 🙂
Knitting projects to do
Emails to check
Phone calls to make
People to entertain (Hey, someone’s got to do it! Being part of the spread a smile committee is a VERY important job!)
And hey- all of these things require “Roots” , right?
They require you to stay put to get them done (except maybe the entertainer one)
Unless you are some super multi tasker who can type or talk with one hand
and do laundry and sweep with the other…
But much to my chagrin , my Super Hero cape has been on back order for a long time-
Customer service tells me they can’t keep them in stock, but not to despair because I am not the only woman who is on a very long wait list. 😉
I am hoping that since the “cape” is out of the question at the moment,
That I can a least get a tube of “Glue be Gone” for the ole’ Derriere.
Yes, today was one of those days where I was “Growing Roots” again…
But that’s ok…
Because according to Scarlett O’Hara,
“After all, tomorrow is another day!”
©Rebekah Ann Stephenson 2012
That leaves me with 2 questions for you:
1. Is your cape on back order too?
2. Do you happen to have a tube of “Glue be Gone” lying around..and if so can I borrow some ? 😉

LOL… but also a very good point… very convicting! thanks for “softening” it with your great sense of humor.
glue be gone and elbow grease… we all need some sometimes!
Thanks for stopping by Richelle! Haha it’s actually convicting me right now! 🙂 Have a great day.
This made me smile, thanks.
🙂 You are welcome!
ummm…very guilty here of butt plant syndrome. (Thanks for the name!) I’d like to think I’m superwoman but alas I think I’ve only got ‘adult supervision’ (yes there’s a funny story to go with that). Loved your perspective on ‘roots’ 😀
Well…in our defense we DO get tired a lot…but still 😉 What is the funny story on the adult supervision? You will have to email me sometime on that (unless you are going to blog about it) because I like a good story!
HA! What a hilarious post 🙂 I, too, often plant roots in my chair and don’t get stuff done. Guilty! Lacking motivation? Guilty!
I even have a cape now! I’m running out of excuses 🙂
Glad you liked it. What kind of a cape are you sportin’? 😀 If you have a cape you are a step ahead of me..although I DO have a poncho…the “Perseverance Poncho” that I knit lol.
I have two capes, actually. One was for a Professor Sprout costume I made a few years ago for DragonCon, and the latest one was for my Witch costume for Halloween this year.
Witch Costume
Professor Sprout Costume
I was a witch too! Of course, I have had the same black costume forever and to save money just use it to either be a witch, or Morticia Adams, or something like that. I like the old show Bewitched, so sometimes I do a Samantha from Bewitched version too. I will have to email you some pictures of my costume. I haven’t heard of DragonCon, but I do love all things Harry Potter and Matt is in to the Final Fantasy games. OOOH- I just saw your pictures! Those were some cool costumes. The witch is cute and funny because the hat is so tiny 🙂 The professor sprout one is excellent. You look so cute as professor sprout. Dressing up is such fun, isn’t it? Were you ever in drama club in school? I used to be and you seem like the type to maybe have done that also? If I were going to dress in HP garb, I think I would try to be Professer McGonagal (Sp.?) or maybe trelawny.
I’m so thankful you have diagnosed me:)) I certainly have periods like this, times when I just can’t seem to get off the couch. I keep thinking, this too, shall pass and I’LL GET UP:))
Haha. Funny Stefanie. Well it’s good to know I am not the only one who experiences this! I am glad you stopped by today. You have actually been on my heart lately and I have been wondering how you have been. Going to pop over to your blog for a visit now…
I loved your post! Oh….do I know about the roots! I love the name Butt Plant Syndrome. Totally stealing that one! I was thinking of using it on my son when he gets absorbed in his xbox, but he is a smart kid and I’m sure he’d use it back when I glued to the laptop. 😉
Thanks for sharing! You made me giggle today! 🙂
Feel Free to use the phrase “Butt Plant Syndrome” as often as you need! But yes- children being like little sponges they may just use your words against you! 🙂 I am glad you got a giggle out of it! That makes writing all the more fun!
Great post, Bekah! Made me laugh several times. I too love the phrase ‘Butt Plant Syndrome’. Wow, do we all have that?! I should do the word ‘roots’ and see what I come up with. If I do, I will post it on here.
‘Head ’em up, move’em out, Rawhide!!’
Glad you got a laugh too! It appears more of us have this condition then I thought haha. Ride em in Rawhide!!!! Someone must have that song in their head from the Blues Brothers 😉