5 Minute Friday Funny-Growing Roots (aka Butt Plant Syndrome)

TGIF!! Yes, Thank Goodness it’s Friday! (Five Minute Friday that is). Who is ready for a laugh today ( I did a comedic twist for today’s post). The rules are you are supposed to write whatever comes to mind with the special word of the day. No over thinking, or over editing. Just pure writing flowing out however it wants to. The other super important rule is that you can’t be all about yourself here…you are supposed to visit the person who wrote before you and leave a comment. After all, that is what community is all about! Today’s secret word was “Roots” (for other 80’s children out there…does the word of the day ever make you think of the show Pee-Wee’s play house? Or maybe it’s just me…. 🙂 … Continue Reading