It’s poetry time again! It’s been so long since I’ve written and shared the poem of the week here (which I typically did on Friday). I had taken time away from it to work on my poetry book, but am thinking of returning to the Five Minute Friday community. I was inspired to to work on my poetry again by a sweet woman who recently read a poem of mine and left me the most wonderful comment that she had sent it to her 93 year old mother, some other people as well, and reads it herself every morning. I don’t think there is any better feeling in the world for a writer, than to know your words have touched someone in some way.
This poem I wrote is a simple little poem, but it was inspired by the sudden unexpected passing of a dear friend of mine last week. As more parts of her life and passing are shared with me, I am realizing how much of a difference we all make in each others lives. Whether we realize it or not. I felt these words were important to share , and I hope you enjoy them. If you are reading this, I want to tell you that you matter. Your life is of significance to people. In more ways than you may every know.
*At the end of this poem there are a couple exercises on self love and sharing love with others that you can do if you wish. The poem and exercises are part of a book I am working on publishing 🙂 .Â
You Make a Difference!
by Rebekah Ann Stephenson ©2018
Your life has so much meaning
You may not be aware
Of whom out there is noticing,
Or just how many care.
Those simple things you do each day
That simply make you YOU,
You make a difference in the world,
I hope you know it’s true.
You make a difference with your smile
and with your loving heart,
You make a difference with your words
And also with your art!
You make a difference when you laugh
and even when you cry,
You make a difference when you cook
and clean and wash and dry!
You make a difference as a parent
Partner, friend or neighbor,
And at your job or in your home-
Wherever you do labor.
You’re touching lives every day
as only you can do,
You are a blessing from above,
Remember- this is true.
The world needs you just as you are,
There’s nothing you must prove,
Nothing new that you must add,
And nothing to remove.
So keep being you and doing things
in your own special way,
You never know just who you’ll touch
Tomorrow or Today!
Self Love Exercise:Â Take a moment to think of all the ways you make a difference in the world, just by being you. Think about the small everyday things too! The things we often don’t give ourselves enough credit for. The things we naturally do. Even things that are part of our daily routine. Write them down. Make a list. Refer to it whenever you need a reminder of just how special you are.
Sharing Love Experiment:Â Think about the important people in your life. What ways do they make a difference to you just by being them? Make a list or write a letter to each person. If you feel like sharing love, why not send it? (It would make a great Valentine!) They may not even know how important they are or how much the things they do are appreciated. Reflect on this list and notice all the ways you are loved. Deeply Feel it. Let the knowledge of it sink deep into your heart and soul.

So Beautiful and From the HEART! Thank You, Dear REBEKAH! XXOO
Thank you. Absolutely beautiful! My heart is overflowing by your wonderful gift of poetry. Bless you my dear both now and forever more. You are forever loved.. the Mama