It’s Five Minute Friday, which for my blog means poetry time! Today’s word is TURN. Let’s see what I can come up with in 5 minutes or so….
Symphony of Life
From February until first frost of Fall,
Everything has its turn.
First the snowdrops,
Then the Winter aconite-
Little woodland flowers,
Dotting the hills with hope.
By March the crocus are coming
purple, white, yellow, striped
Miracle flowers are these-
Pushing their way up through frigid snow.
Soon to follow are the daffodils, hyacinth, hellebores
And then we really know Spring is on its way.
The tulips take their turn,
Opening their bright faces to the sun-
Standing tall,
Dancing in the rain.
Cue tiny buds on trees
Quietly exploding into leaves and blossoms
Adorning bare branches,
And making Earth feel alive again.
Peonies, Lilacs, Roses,
Heady Fragrance,
Copious colors.
Lilies, foxglove, poppies, mums.
From showy dogwoods and magnolias,
To fiery Autumn maples and birches,
From blossom to fruit,
Bareroot to bloom,
Seedling to harvest,
The grand symphony continues.
There is no competition in the garden.
The flowers and trees just are.
They come and go, each in their time.
Everything gets its day in the sun.
Every flower,
Each tree-
A purpose.
There is room for it all.
We appreciate the unique beauty of each living miracle,
Knowing there is nothing quite like it,
On God’s green earth.
And so, may it be with people-
That we may celebrate each other in our glory,
Knowing we too, will have our day in the sun.
For a symphony makes the most beautiful music,
When its made up of many parts.
Copyright Rebekah Ann Stephenson 2018

Beautiful poem and flowers. I’ve never heard of aconites and snowdrops. Thanks for sharing
They are the very first bloomers of the year. Starting late February in Michigan, though everything is behind schedule here this year and they started late March.
This is beautiful honey, nice to see you posting poetry again… 🙂
Thank you so much dear Maitri <3 . I love poetry!
Beautiful! It makes me wish I could experience a true winter (I live in AZ, and our winter has been mild and dry=very few flowers in the spring).
Thank you for sharing, my dear. The picture is beautiful and I am always amazed by what you create from one word! Truly a gift!