Morning Has Broken-Inspirational Poetry in Five

Morning Has Broken Cat Stevens

It’s Friday again and you know what that means!  Inspiration in the form of Poetry in Five.  I love linking up with the ladies at Lisa-Jo’s site because they are the most wonderful ladies!  Feel free to check us out sometime and join in for your own Five Minute Friday.  Today’s word is BROKEN and actually I think we did this word before as I wrote a story about “Broken Vessels” (click left to read that one) and one of those God things I experienced several years ago when I donated a prayer shawl to a stranger on the other side of the USA.  So I guess today I will take this word in a different direction.   Go   Morning Has Broken   Morning has broken and Dawn turns to … Continue Reading

My 1 Year Blogiversary- How We Live Inspired Came to Be!

Today is my 1 year Blogiversary and for the rest of July I have some fun things to share with you to celebrate!  1 year ago today (July 23, 2012), I wrote my first 2 part blog post called To Everything There is a Season.  It was a story in loss and in miracles.  A story that inspired me to finally buckle down and create my own website; something I had been dreaming of doing for years in hopes of also inspiring others in some way.  I thought for my anniversary today I would take you back in time and talk about what was going on around the time I started my blog, and some reasons why I created We Live Inspired!  I will also be doing 2 giveaways to celebrate … Continue Reading

Where I Belong – Poetry in Five and Some News for You!

Ivy Growing up Garden gate

The past two weeks I have been delinquent with my Friday poetry, so I have an especially lovely treat to make up for that today!  This treat comes along with news I have been meaning to share, but was waiting until everything was final before spilling the beans.  Today’s word Lisa Jo asked us to write on was the word BELONG.  I chose to write a rhyming poem about my garden!  So the big news is that after years of struggles, and then 2 years after being second in line for homes and a few disappointments, Matt and I have bought our first home!!   God has given me more than I could have ever imagined, and I have been so busy with it all.  SO much excitement and so … Continue Reading

The Cat That Got Caught Yellow Handed

cat paw

There was a “who done it” mystery to solve last week.   A formerly beautiful table set with a fresh arrangement of Flowers from the garden.   Happy white daisies with bright yellow centers from Mom’s garden, and red Asiatic lily’s from mine.   A mess of flowers strewn everywhere and water spilled all over the table from the overturned vase.   It wasn’t TOO hard to figure out “who done it” , as it obviously wasn’t one of we humans that reside here, so unless we have a poltergeist (doubtful), we knew it must be one of the cats.  but which one?   Was it Rusty , “The Cat That Came to Dinner” (click the title for that hilarious story), who often sits at the dining table like the … Continue Reading

In Between Miracles-Poetry in Five

Inspiring Rainbows

Sorry I missed last week’s Five Minute Friday, but I am back today to see what inspiration I can bring you in just five minutes with the word prompt this week of IN BETWEEN.  When I heard the word(s) today I immediately started singing a fav. Dave Matthews Band song called The Space Between.  I have no idea how listening to that song inspired me to think of the phrase “In Between Miracles” but that is where I am going writing wise today and I don’t know if it will rhyme or not.  We shall see!  I am going to offer you a fresh perspective that is popping in my head though.  A different way of viewing life.   Go   In Between Miracles:   What if we lived as … Continue Reading

Fathers-How Dad Impacted My Life and a Quirky Mix of Music For You

Bob Marley Photo

Happy Father’s Day to the Dad’s & Grandads out there (including my own if you see this)!  Today I thought I would share one of the ways my Dad has impacted my life.  Be ready for an interesting menagerie of music as I give you a peek in to my past and an arm chair trip around the world!  (videos are embedded on the website, but by email you can click on any links you see to be taken to the songs)   While both of my parents nurtured creativity in me, there are two areas in which Dad had the largest role: Music & Writing.   Some of my earliest memories are of Dad playing all sorts of music in the home.  He has exposed me to SO many … Continue Reading

Listen is a Verb-Poetry in Five

shared joy doubled shared sorrow half sorrow

It’s Five Min. Friday, and you know what that means!  I will be linking up with my writing friends at Lisa Jo’s and bringing you my own twist of the exercise which I call “Poetry in Five” (you can click on that to read past poems).  I ended up doing Free Verse today instead of rhyme.  The word I had to write on today was LISTEN. Go Listen is a Verb:   It is when I Stop to listen that I truly HEAR. What’s not being said outright, but what is being spoken without words. (Those gentle nuances that say so much more than words do alone) Do you take time to really Listen to your fellow man? To listen to the cries of their heart- To not just be … Continue Reading

Lessons of Fall-Poetry in Five

Golden Leaves

It’s Friday, (and although I am a little late)-I am bringing you Poetry in Five with today’s special word being FALL.  I chose to go the direction of the seasons, with double meanings (as I often like to do when writing poetry) in both talking about the literal season of Fall , and season’s of life as well.    I hope you enjoy today’s delight!  Let me know what you think… Here goes:     Lessons of Fall:   Leaves of Gold- (their former green), The richest color briefly seen. A canopy of purest light, Falls glittering down- into the night. As winds of change draw ever near, The trees- They seem to have no fear. They know it’s time- They must transform. And with that, Something new is born. … Continue Reading

Poetry in Five- Change Your View and Change Your Life

It’s Friday and you know what that means!  I am linking up with Lisa Jo Baker’s site to bring you my version of the Five Min. Friday writing exercise in which I write poetry in Five.  This week’s word is VIEW.  Setting my timer!   GO    Change Your View & Change Your Life:   Perspective is such an important thing- How we view the world around us, How we view others, How we view ourselves. I choose to live life with an inspired view (hence the theme/name of my website :)). One thing I have discovered about Life is that those who are happiest, don’t necessarily have it all (i.e. the perfect life). It’s an illusion and a false perspective to think that to be happy we must have … Continue Reading

Poetry in Five- Keep a Song Within Your Heart

I’m Back today with poetry in Five and linking up with my fellow writers at Lisa-Jo’s.   This week’s word of inspiration is SONG.   Before I set the timer for 5 min. to write my poem, I wanted to share with you a little tid bit about myself.     Songs and singing have been a part of who I am since I was very very little.  I can remember always having a little tune in my head as a child and singing in the car and singing at the playground at preschool.  In fact , I would get so lost in my little tunes that I didn’t care who heard back then haha.  When I was in preschool, I had these read a long books that came with … Continue Reading

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