I’m Back today with poetry in Five and linking up with my fellow writers at Lisa-Jo’s. This week’s word of inspiration is SONG. Before I set the timer for 5 min. to write my poem, I wanted to share with you a little tid bit about myself.
Songs and singing have been a part of who I am since I was very very little. I can remember always having a little tune in my head as a child and singing in the car and singing at the playground at preschool. In fact , I would get so lost in my little tunes that I didn’t care who heard back then haha. When I was in preschool, I had these read a long books that came with a cassette tape. My favorite one was the My Little Ponies “Picnic at the Paradise Estate”. Ha! 80’s child here-does anyone remember those? I distinctly remember singing my favorite song about a picnic with the ponies right out loud on the swing-sets while the preschool aides pushed me along. I was in my own little happy world, and I remember them smiling at me a lot. I am sure they got a kick out of me. Ha!
All throughout my school years I sang in the school choirs and at church choirs too. I often hum tunes now as an adult (almost automatically at times) while doing routine things such as cooking meals for example. I was cooking for my parents the other day and I heard them chuckling in the other room due to my humming of Camptown Races (Do dah! Do Dah!) while I chopped the veggies. AND- usually when I cook Italian I am humming some type of Italian song (often Dean Martin ..something like “That’s Amore” or Volare for example). I am letting my dork flag fly today!! What I will say though is that typically if I am humming, it is well with my soul so to speak… So it’s a good thing!
I am also one of those people who can break out in to song when I hear certain words and phrases that come up in casual conversation. I have songish friends who do this too (namely Becky and Erica) so we all enjoy each other’s fun and mutual quirkiness.
Anyways, moving on to the poem then. Today’s poem started out inspired by the things I shared with you above and then God directed the rest. Today was an easy flow writing day. Here is what I wrote for the 5 min. :
Keep A Song Within Your Heart
Keep a song in your heart my friend
and always dance to its tune,
and pull it out again and again
whenever surrounded by gloom.
For life will have its perils and trials-
All roses it cannot be,
But keeping a song within your heart
will set your Spirit Free.
And if by chance you should forget
Just how the tune should go,
Look to the One who gives thee Life
For surely He will know.
Choose to be Merry no matter what
and happiness you’ll find,
For as you seek so shall it be-
It’s all a state of mind.
So find your song and sing it loud
or hum it all the while,
And on your heart it shall be writ –
Soon showing as a smile. 😀
©Rebekah Ann Stephenson (weliveinspired.com) 2013
For the Scripture I was led to today- this is what the bible has to say on songs and merry making :
On having a merry heart:
” A merry heart does good like a medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones.” ~Proverbs 17:22
“Is any among you afflicted? Let him pray. Is any merry? Let him sing psalms.” ~James 5:13 (KJV)
On your countenance (smile line from poem):
“A merry heart maketh a cheerful countenance : but by sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken. ” ~Proverbs 15:13 (KJV)
On Songs & Singing:
” You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance.” ~Psalm 32:7
” Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, & songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts. ” ~Colossians 3:16 (NIV)
“I will sing unto the Lord because He hath dealt bountifully with me” ~Psalm 13:6
“Rejoice in the Lord and be glad , you righteous; sing, all you who are upright in heart” (pure of heart). ~Psalm 32:11
“Make a joyful noise unto the Lord all ye lands. Serve the Lord with gladness. Come before His presence with singing.” ~Psalm 100:1-2 (KJV)

“Choose to be Merry no matter what
and happiness you’ll find,
For as you seek so shall it be-
It’s all a state of mind.”
The older I get, the more true I find that to be. It’s all about perspective, and what you dwell in, that make the difference in how you respond emotionally. Nice poem. 🙂
Also, I totally remember books on tape. Yay for being 80s kids. Hope you have a wonderful Friday and weekend!
Too true Jessica. Yay! One person that visited today remembers the books on tape. Cheers to the 80’s lol. Same to you. Enjoy your weekend!
Hi Rebekah. Over here from lisa-Jo’s page as I couldn’t resist reading a poem! So glad I took a look. This is lovely. Beautiful poem with beautiful, hope-filled words. I particularly like these lines: “Keep a song in your heart my friend and always dance to its tune, and pull it out again and again whenever surrounded by gloom” as they speak grace into my current circumstances. I used to love singing too, until M.E weakened voice as well as body. Now I cough and croak more than sing tunefully! But I know God is reminding me that any praise given to him is a beautiful thing. And to sing/praise/offer thanksgiving is what makes his light shine bright in dark times. Thank you for giving me this great reminder through your verse. Bless you 🙂 x
Hi Joy. I love that name! It goes with today’s thoughts on singing and making joyful noises, no? 😀 Welcome on over here and I am so glad you took the time to stop by and read. You are most welcome to connect here with me anytime. Those words have spoken Grace to my situation many times too. I am thinking M.E. is like CFS? I am not 100% sure. Sorry to hear you have that. My grandmother had that so I know about the CFS. It must be tough to have your voice change on you like that.
You are so right though- God does not care how we sound when singing songs of praise to Him. He does not need perfection. He loves each and every voice that comes to Him :D. You keep on singing your inner song despite the circumstance. No matter what the trials look like (for many of us seem to have something or other to deal with) it is just like you said-it keeps that light going. Seeking light is what it is all about and actually the theme behind my site as it were.
You are so welcome. Bless you too sweetie. Come back and visit anytime and have an enjoyable weekend!
Love your post! I, too, sang all through school… I’m always singing at work. I love to sing!! Singing praise to the Lord is one of my favorite things to do!
I love to sing too! That is wonderful. Keep singing your way for life. It surely makes for a merry spirit ;).
Joining you in song!!!
As always.
🙂 Always a joy to have you here!
Loved this – so beautiful! And I loved reading the verses you included, thank you for this wonderful post
You are welcome and thanks for visiting!
I loved your poem Rebekah! So perfect!
I’m a singer too and my son has inherited this love of music! We really enjoy making silly songs together and my favorite is to hear him singing along to a worship/praise song as we drive.
Cool! Another thing we have in common :). I hope I have a child someday that I can play guitar to and sing silly songs with! Those moments as you described are some of the sweetest memories. That’s neat that your son also likes to sing 🙂
😀 I too break out in song whenever I hear similar lyrics,
or think of certain words that remind me of lyrics!
Again, I’m loving your poem!!!! 🙂
ah, you’re so talented!
“And if by chance you should forget
Just how the tune should go,
Look to the One who gives thee Life
For surely He will know.”
Amen to that! 🙂
Love how you ended off with a big smiley face! 😀
Made me smile to my laptop haha! 🙂