Did the weird title draw you in? Good! 😀 So what’s up with the Spongebob popsicle you ask? Just how is that going to inspire you today? Today I want to inspire you to let loose, embrace your childlike side, and enjoy a silly moment without caring what people think.
Adults. Can. Be. So . Serious! There is nothing wrong with seriousness in itself, as we do need to be that at times, but where is the fun in having to be super “mature” at all times? Adults can and should still have an inner sense of play. It is good for our health and keeps us young.
Picture it. 32 (but really still 29 ;)) year old woman surrounded by a large group of kids waiting her turn to get an ice cream from the ice cream truck. No other adults.
Just me and the ice cream man and a whole bunch of kids jumping up and down excitedly as they call out their ice pop of choice to their Hero in an aged , musical white truck blaring old timey calliope music. (yes that was a run on sentence and I don’t care today as the point of today’s post is to let loose with no rules 😀 )
The ice cream man knows me by name and he comes my way every Thursday. He knows my typical order. Usually something of a chocolate variety (like a nutty royale cone or a chocolate eclair bar). You know..something more grown up.
He says, “What’ll it be?” and I answer with ” 2 Spongebobs -one for me and one for my brother” (who is 30 by the way). He looks at me with eyebrow raised as he says “a Spongebob eh?” (a slight surprised intonation). I answer with “Yes. Today I feel like being a kid again.” “That’s a popular one today,” He says, as we look around at the “other” kids racing off to play with their already purchased Spongebob’s in hand.
No kids of my own, or little nieces or nephews with me in the sea of children to make my ordering of a Spongbob Popcicle with Gumball eyes more legit. Nope, just me. One 32 year old who almost went for the chocolate and said to herself..no. I want to try something fun and out of the norm today. Something that will make me smile. And it did. And it made my 30 year old brother smile too as he ate his Spongebob pop with the gumball eyes. (He said the gumballs were the best part FYI). Dare I say I even made the noise that Spongebob makes when Jelly fishing at my brother when I presented it to him …or is that going too far LOL ( It got a laugh and smiles and so it was worth it).
Side note: Some people call me Bek (short for Bekah) and one friend started affectionately started calling me Spongebek some years ago , cause yes, I do enjoy watching Spongebob Squarepants from time to time! So ordering the Popsicle also made me think of my not so well known nickname (which made me smile even more). So now the secret is out and you know another name I answer to!! :D.
The point to this article is that it’s FUN to get silly once in awhile or just break up our norm with something that will make us smile. These are the things that feed our souls.
So I ask you today-what are the things that make you feel like a kid again? What little things can you do today to shake things up and make yourself or someone next to you smile? I firmly believe that whether we have kids/grandkids or not (aka an excuse to “play”) that it’s good once in awhile to get in touch with our inner child and those things we enjoyed in abundance once upon a time.
Maybe it’s pulling off the side of the road spontaneously to take a swing on a swing set (or even getting your hubby to push you on the swings). Maybe it’s watching a cartoon you used to love, coloring with crayons, jump roping , breaking out the old board games , or ordering Superman or bubblegum ice cream from the ice cream place (instead of boring old vanilla). Whatever it is that makes you get in touch with that youthful sense of “play” and makes you smile, give yourself permission to indulge in it once in awhile!
If you feel silly doing it, just think of me carrying my Spongebob Popsicle down the street on a random Thursday!
He looks a bit demented (the popsicles are not the best likeness of poor Spongebob)-but I guess we all have those days..HA!
So I really wanna know! What things make YOU feel like a kid again, in a carefree sort of jubilant way? What will you do to put a little fun in YOUR day? 😀
Embrace your sense of Play today!

Lol!! this one gave me a good chuckle. Love your playfulness here! I am prone to breaking out in random acts of such things as well. But I have kids to cover for me 😉 Like eating animal shaped pasta – they may have requested it but I’m more than happy to buy it!
I am glad :D. Animal shaped pasta..love it. I wonder if they make Spongebob shaped pasta?! HA! Life is just more fun when we do silly little things, you know? Children know how to live fully present in states of pure bliss from simple joys, so why not us too once in awhile? 😉
tooooo cute!
thanks for sharing with us at our Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop
Angel @ sewcraftyangel.blogspot.com
You are SEW welcome (pun intended in honor of silly post day for me ;)). I will have to check out your sew crafty website next. Thanks for taking a look at this post. Have a great day!
thank you for the reminder to keep a little silly with us all of the time. Love it. Thank you for sharing at the Thursday Favorite Things hop my friend xo
You are so welcome Katherine… Kids can’t have all the fun, right? Congrats on party #100! I enjoy linking up at your hop when I can. You are a great hostess and always take the extra time to connect with others. I appreciate that! ~your blogging friend Rebekah
How fun! Last week I ended up crawling clear up to the top of the McDonalds play place to take the 3 year old down the big slide. Pretty sure I wouldn’t do it alone (those tunnels are nasty!) but it sure was fun to fly down that slide with a screaming 3 year old on my lap. Even better were the funny looks we got from two menwho were walking by at the moment we popped out! 🙂
I love it! I must concur with you that I prob. would not go in the slides and tubes alone at McDonald’s either. However, I WOULD go down a slide at the park or get on the swing set alone. 😀 I love the visual imagery of you in a McDonald’s slide with a screaming 3 year old. Now that makes me smile! The funny looks..bahaha!..would have loved to have been there. Keeps people on their toes anyway, huh?
I knew I was in for a treat when I came to visit today but I didn’t know it was an ice cream treat! Yes, Spongebek, I am embracing the child in me today. I am in the moment. Having fun. So good to be playing this game of life with you!!!!
Thursday is about here again too, so I wonder what I will choose from the ice cream man this week ? 🙂 Please have a virtual Spongebob Popsicle on me any time! Good for you (on embracing the inner child that day). I love to see others having fun here with me 🙂
I couldn’t agree with you more, Rebekah! I find as I get older, I’m more prone to being set in my ways…and I think it’s important to shake things up every now and then, even in a small way.
And by the way, I’ve logged a lot of hours watching Spongebob with my grandson, and I think it’s hilarious. 🙂
Cindy at Notes in the Key of Life
Shaking things up a bit just makes life more fun and not as rut like I would say. I can’t not smile when watching Spongebob-glad it gives you a laugh too! Thanks for stopping by and commenting. 🙂
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