Today is (mostly) Wordless Wednesday, where I am sharing a cute photo creation I made for you and keeping my words short and sweet. I dug up an old photo of my first cat (a slightly fluffy haired calico) named Sandy. I got her as a Christmas gift when I was 9. She was such a good sport about letting me play dress up with her , and would sit very ladylike in the little vintage-y dresses I would fix her up in :D. Here she is in her fancy lace overlay dress , getting ready for high tea and a poetry recitation! Did I mention she and I shared a love of not only tea, but Emily Dickinson? Cat nip tea always for kitty (of course!) ..and chamomile for myself. See below for one of Miss Kitty’s favorite Emily Dickinson poem excerpts:
I think this poem spoke to her because of her penchant for yarn balls and dresser drawers, what do you think?
Keep life whimsical-(it put’s fun in the mundane 😉 ) ,
Shared @ Create-with-Joy, Amanda’s Books, BlogPaws, Erica Price,

nawww!! I didn’t have a cat to dress up when I was little. My younger brother got that privilege instead!
That’s a great poem, I like Emily Dickenson.
Thanks for stopping by!
It definitely spoke to her, and she is soo beautiful!
Happy WW 🙂
~ Jill
Thank you 🙂 And Thanks for the visit!
Sandy was precious! Hugs & belly rubs!
Especially in a baby dress, right? 😉 Thank you and right back at ya !
Yarn balls and dresser drawers…what’s not to like? Sandy looks very well loved!
I know, right? 😉 She def. was loved, that is for sure. Love my animal friends past and present!
I dressed up my dog because I didn’t have a cat then. Now my cats get special outfits for holidays! Very cut photo!
Aw..well that is cute too. I would love to see these special holiday cat outfits! That is too funny. Sometime, would love to see pictures of the cats in their clothes. I haven’t dressed up any of the kitties I have had as an adult yet, and I am wondering which ones would let me do that haha.
Love this, Rebekah! Emily & I have been pals since I was 9, too. {Imagine that!!!}
&&& yes, can see why this poem spoke to little Miss Sandy!
Wow- well there is another thing we have in common then. Emily is a great poet at that 🙂 Glad you enjoyed this!
U brought me memories of Thumper. She was bottled fed, I was like 12 when I had her.
She brought me dead black birds by the back door. It was funny, anyone who opened the door she would just stand there with the bird, then when I would see her, she would drop it and leave.
She took care of me in her own way.
Thanks for sharing a childhood memory Martha. Our animals do care for us in their own way, don’t they? Mine make sure that I am never alone :). They tend to follow me a lot. It was a joy having you here, and feel free to stop by any time- I have a whole section here on cat stories and always more to come!~Rebekah