Today’s 5 min. Friday goes with my current Series on “Change” that I am doing for Fall (I think you will really like it). If you are a newer visitor to my blog and want to read more from that series , please click HERE to read “Change-Embrace, Resist or Avoid?, and HERE to read Part 2 called “A Little Faith Goes a Long Way”. So for today’s 5 minutes , the word we had to write on was “Stay”. The rules are that we must let it freely flow out without over thinking or back tracking, and then we visit the person who wrote before us and leave them a comment 🙂
Soul-Full Seasons
My soul was born in the Spring-
With the tiny buds emerging from the trees
and the flowers pushing up through the hard soil,
to point their faces towards the sun.
I grew and flourished right along with Her…
O’ How I love Spring’s lacy, delicate ways
So new. So fresh. Such delicate shades of green
The smell of Earth, and Rain , and the first fragrant flowers.
But Spring must mature and give way to Summer.
Summer in all Her glorious bounty-
Full-on green now, with Life in full bloom.
The garden lush and full of flowers,
and fresh vegetables and herbs.
The trees no longer naked or daintily dressed.
The sun much brighter, warmer, lasting longer…
These are the days my Soul found wings.
The long nights,
that Free Bird feeling.
Yes, I loved Summer.
Summer could not stay forever though.
Things must change-Nothing stays.
So She faded away slowly into a season so lush and rich
That we call Her Autumn.
She ,with Her smoldering, fiery red & orange glow-
Sassy and vibrant with contradictory coolness and warmth
Her life a rich tapestry of textures-
Tweeds and velvets,
Corduroys and suedes.
She is quite the sophisticated lady.
More mature, but full of life and so much wiser…
Yes, Autumn makes quite the dashing entrance-
in all Her splendid color-
But She also knows how to let go.
She doesn’t linger-she bends with the changing days,
Allowing her leaves to change and fall away
Stripping her bare
Her fiery hair blowing in the wind.
She lets go with Grace
As her colors fade and the days get shorter .
These are the days that my Soul found Courage and Wisdom and Truth.
Of course Autumn could not stay either and she gave way to
Stop (this is where my 5 min. ran out, but I was in the “zone” and the words kept flowing, so I wanted to finish my poem to completion. Keep reading for the ending!)
The season of soft and quiet magic.
Her formerly stripped trees now robed in white
Wearing icicle jewelry and glistening with diamonds,
She sparkles and shines in both Sunlight and Twilight
Like a glittering goddess.
Her irony is that She brings such warmth with her
When the days are cold.
Teaching people to love and to give
and to hold your loved ones near-
Cherishing all of these
Magical Moments.
And in this season of Winter-
With Her choirs of angels singing
and Her softly lit windows,
The Glowing candles and Glowing Spirits
And Her quiet calm,
On those soft and still
Snowy nights…
My Soul found Peace
And Love
And Hope
And Light.
But of course Winter couldn’t stay forever either.
And so the circle begins again,
As everything is reborn.
©Rebekah Ann Stephenson 2012 @We Live Inspired!
When I heard the word for today was “Stay”, I was inspired by a poem one of my favorite poet’s wrote called “Nothing Gold Can Stay” {Robert Frost}. That sort of led me on the path to creating today’s poem 🙂
shared @ Lisa Jo’s Five Min. Fridays

Really lovely.
Posted after you on 5MF. Really loved reading your take on stay! Wonderful way with words. Keep writing! x
Thank you Dammy. I will keep writing as long as I have words to say (which will prob. be forever :)) because I just love words and always have. I appreciate your encouragement.
Love this- Brilliant stuff!! (I only wish my brain were quicker at these things).
Thank you ! My brain doesn’t always work this quickly. It usually depends on the word, that and there is something about 5 min. Friday that is special that way!
… oh … so much creativity packed into 5 minutes … and I am so drawn in by the pen and ink drawing!
I love to use artwork along with words. Usually I use my own art or photography, but this graphic was a clip art 🙂 I loved it too because it made me think of a tree of life-which went with the words. Glad you enjoyed it. Will stop by to comment on yours next. I make a point to always visit and comment on anyone that visits me. Thanks for stopping by and reading my words today!
Oh this is just beautiful. So poetic. Thank you for stopping by my blog!
Thank you so much and you are so very welcome. It was a pleasure reading yours as well 🙂
What a beautiful, beautiful post! Poetic, psalm-like.
Love it!
Thanks so much Stefanie and thanks for taking time to read it. Your comment made my day!
A beautiful poem, Bekah. I really enjoyed it and I can’t wait for more poetry from you!
Thanks Becky 🙂
I love watching the seasons change. You have captured each change ~ each season that cannot stay ~ so beautifully. And how we grow and change and cannot stay with each season, but each season of life stays with us.
Thanks so much for stopping by Rebekah- love that we share the same name , and spelled the same too! ( I don’t find that often). I too, love watching the seasons change. I enjoyed your feedback and perspective when you wrote ” And how we grow and change and cannot stay with each season”. There was a double meaning to my poem, and I loved how you described part of what I was trying to translate. Thanks for stopping by and reading my words. It was a pleasure to have you over here at “We Live Inspired!” today! I am going to read your blog now…
Yes, the spelling of your name jumped right out at me too. 🙂 I don’t see it too often either.