Today is my 1 year Blogiversary and for the rest of July I have some fun things to share with you to celebrate! 1 year ago today (July 23, 2012), I wrote my first 2 part blog post called To Everything There is a Season. It was a story in loss and in miracles. A story that inspired me to finally buckle down and create my own website; something I had been dreaming of doing for years in hopes of also inspiring others in some way. I thought for my anniversary today I would take you back in time and talk about what was going on around the time I started my blog, and some reasons why I created We Live Inspired! I will also be doing 2 giveaways to celebrate so that 2 lucky readers will have a chance to get something inspiring for free. Details to come!
Two weeks prior to creating We Live Inspired, the family dog (that we had had since I was a teenager), Kassie, died. She fell suddenly ill and Mom and I spent 2 exhausting weeks trying to save Kassie by administering medicines and fluids around the clock and trying to make her comfortable. She was dying from kidney failure and hadn’t been able to urinate or eat for many days. The vet sent her home with us , as he said he could tell she wanted to be with family. Kassie was very close to us and had been there for me so many times when I needed her, that I wanted to be there for her right up until the end.

This is Kassie a few hours before she passed. She wasn’t in much pain and was just happy to be with her family. It’s hard to believe how ill she was here, as she looked like she was making a recovery the day she passed.
She died peacefully at home with her family one stormy night last July. You can read the full story HERE. That was my first time actually witnessing the death process (something I was scared of seeing). Kassie had been with me during some of the loneliest and toughest times of my life and I felt closer to her than any dog we have had to date. That whole year had been a tough year , with other tragedies and stressful events that happened as well, but we won’t go there as this is not meant to be a book!

You may have seen this cat (Rusty) in some of my humorous cat articles (such as Rusty the Christmas Spy or The Cat That Came to Dinner.) Kassie was Rusty’s friend and he laid by her side right up until the end and even after she passed.
However, 2 weeks after Kassie died is when the miracle came….
A feral kitten that was part of a colony I was caring for in our neighborhood jumped in to my lap on a Monday night (July 16th I believe it was) and she was in labor. That is part 2 of the “To Everything There is a Season” post (my first post) and it’s such a sweet story so you may want to click HERE to read it if you missed it. This was literally my first time witnessing the miracle of birth!
Have you ever noticed the photo of the cute kittens in a basket on my website’s sidebar? It’s also on my Facebook page and my photo icon when I respond to your messages here at We Live Inspired. That photo is of Mickie & Minnie, the 2 little (would have been) feral kittens that were born that night- a week before my first blog post! So this is actually a very special month indeed, as Mickie & Minnie just had their first birthday! (I will be bringing back my “Feral cat of the Week” posts to celebrate their birthday and my blogiversary as well)
I had been wanting to have a website for years anyway, but it was actually the unexpected birth of Mickie & Minnie that gave me the urge to make this website happen like NOW! 🙂 The whole process of helping a feral kitten who needed me, bring her babies in to this world in a safe place was such a beautiful experience. To me it was another one of those “signs of hope” in my life and it was no accident. It was another testimony of miracles and the unique way that God meets our needs. Being so distraught over my first time witnessing death, and then the house feeling terribly empty without Kassie, the birth of these adorable kittens was a welcome joyous event that filled the void!
You can see the kittens birth videos on my YouTube channel (if you subscribe via email, you will need to click on this post to be taken to the We Live Inspired website to watch). Fluffy had a rough time getting her first kitten out so she was pretty loud (hence me being wary of bothering her too much in the videos and not getting the whole thing caught on tape).
Here is Fluffy Nursing Mickey & Minnie:
Stay tuned for part 2 on how We Live Inspired came to be and the announcement of the giveaway I will be doing to celebrate my readers!

Congrats on making it a year!
Congratulations on your first Blog Anniversary, Bekah! I know you will be blogging for many more years to come with lots of new experiences to share and loads of inspiration. Looking forward to what’s to come!
Thank you! I am excited to see where the future takes me and hope to inspire and touch a lot of lives along the way 🙂
Happy Blog Birthday!! And a great story of death into life!!
I know this is a bit late in coming, but thank you! Thanks for taking time to stop by and wish me a happy blog birthday. 🙂