It’s Friday , which means it is time for my Poetry in Five Series! This is where I link up with my favorite writing prompt community to write for five minutes on the word of the week. I have a goal of writing more poetry (as it is one of my main loves when it comes to words), so I give myself the extra challenge of writing a poem (and a rhyming one if possible). Today’s word is NEW. These words were inspired by a conversation I had with a lady who is going through a very hard time right now. Having each gone through some very trying times in life, we talked about new beginnings and the miracles that have been present every step along the way! Today’s poem is called “God’s doing something new with me”.
God’s Doing Something New With Me
God’s doing something new with me each and every day,
The old is put behind me as He makes a better way.
New doors fly open as I go, replacing those that close-
No need to worry what comes next, because the Good Lord knows.
God’s got a plan and He knows best, no matter what my lot-
The trials that I’ve had to bear, haven’t been for naught.
Because God’s doing something new with me, each and every day-
And Miracles-they find me, every step along the way!
Each curve along the winding path, each stumbling stone I’ve met,
Has worked together for my good, of this I won’t forget!
For God’s doing something new with me, each and every day,
Preparing me for what’s in store-shaping me like clay.
I am not the same as yesterday, nor will I be tomorrow,
I’m learning, GROWing as I go-and trading in my sorrows!
And living in the here and NOW, these things can come with ease
For when the past is not in charge, my spirit can be free.
Yes, God’s doing something new with me –
Each and every day,
And I’m filled with joy and gratitude for ALL He brings my way!
© Rebekah Ann Stephenson 2014
For those of you who are in need of a spirit lift and would like some additional devotional type materials to go along with today’s piece:
-Another song that lifts my spirits from the John Tesh live at Red Rocks album:
(Some of the words from this song also inspired parts of my poem) –
“I’m trading my sorrows. I’m trading my shame. I’m laying them down for the joy of the Lord. I’m trading my sickness. I’m trading my pain. I’m laying them down for the joy of the Lord…Though sorrow may last for a night, His joy comes in the morning!”
Also see 2 Corinthians 5:17 & Philippians 1:6
God’s not through blessing you or using you. There are so many adventures yet to come! If you’re feeling too broken, to old, too defeated, too anything- be encouraged that your life has a purpose. God’s always at work, even when we can’t feel it or see it. Trust me-I know!
Sending you love and warm thoughts,

It’s so brave to try and write anything in five minutes–let alone poetry! I’m encouraged that you see God doing something new in you. 🙂
Thanks Cherise! And thanks for stopping by! We are pretty brave on these 5 minute Fridays, huh? Thanks for your encouragement.
Thank you – needed to read this right now xx
I got the word wrong for FMF, as it turns out this was last weeks word and this week’s was care. Guess it was meant to be that way and I am glad I could offer some words of comfort just when you needed them. xoxo
I love this! I love the idea of doors closing to let knew ones open. Visiting from FMF 🙂
Hi Liz! As it turns out I clicked on the wrong FMF post and wrote on last week’s word. I am glad you liked this anyway though! Will pay you a visit back when I get some down time later. Thanks for stopping by. Sending you blessing for many doors to be opened throughout your journey 🙂
Oh, I love this today. You poem is simply beautiful. You are right, He is the potter and we are the clay. I know that He will shape us into who He needs us to be.
What a lovely poem, and a timely reminder that each day is a new opportunity, and we are always growing, and changing in each moment.
yes, we are. It is so true. Thanks so much for stopping by <3