It’s story time and tonight I am telling you the tale of the turkey who forgot he had wings. I’m feeling a bit like Beatrix Potter as I say that (writing a tale about an animal in my garden). Maybe this will become a children’s book of mine. Who knows?! At any rate, it was funny and inspiring and very, very odd. And you know, everything has a story. Maybe you will be inspired to see things a different way in your own life and spin a yarn or two :D. So on we go then!
Earlier this afternoon I heard my pug puppy barking outside and I couldn’t figure out why. He is not one to carry on about things unless there is something to carry on ABOUT. When I called him to come in, he was crouched in the corner of the yard doing this low bark that was supposed to make him sound like a big, vicious dog. Of course he couldn’t sound vicious if he tried. It is quite funny actually. I opened the sliding glass doors to the garden room and said, “Toast! What do you see?!” I saw nothing. Eventually I got little Toast (who by the way is my black pug puppy) to come in , and went about my business.
My brother came over for lunch and as I was in the kitchen making it, he exclaimed, ” There’s a turkey in your yard!!!!!!”. “What?!” , says I. In disbelief I ran to the living room to look out the picture windows. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. A large wild turkey running around chaotically in my garden. In town!! “How did he get in here? Where did he come from? and Oh my word. “, were my thoughts. And then we had great fun watching a wild turkey up close and trying to catch him on film.
I’ve never seen a turkey run so fast, but then again, I can’t say as I’ve ever really seen a turkey run period. The turkey was running around so fast because he was in a panic. He somehow got in here, but he couldn’t remember how, and he couldn’t find a way to get out. You see, our yard and garden is completely fenced in (high fences too, to keep the deer out!). And you know what I thought to myself? I could relate to that turkey.
My husband’s had the flu and I have been really overwhelmed (and lacking sleep again) with taking care of everything house & home. I was working on a dozen chores or projects and have felt completely chaotic inside trying to get it all done on my low amount of sleep. Ironically, I had just said to a friend that I felt like a chicken running around with my head cut off. And then God sent me a turkey.
I watched the turkey run all over the yard in a manic frenzy. Starting at one end of the garden, he ran full speed across to the other end and smack dab into the fence. If it wasn’t enough to ram himself into that end, he came up to the gate closest to the house (where I was standing inside at the window) and rammed himself into that as well. A few times he hopped up on the lower rung of the red picket fence and tried to run through it. But there is a chain link fence behind that, so it didn’t work. It was such an odd, humorous sight! Here was the manic chaos I had been feeling inside all day displayed right in front of me in the form of a flailing turkey. My mood was lightened.
* Random turkey fact 1: Turkey’s can run up to 25 miles an hour. Who knew?! No wonder he looked so fast to me.
Random turkey fact 2: Turkeys are a symbol of abundance
And even though my brother and I were chuckling a bit at such a strange sight, of course I felt bad for the turkey and wanted to help him. My husband put padlocks on all of the garden entries and I didn’t know where the key was. So I texted Matt at work and waited for a reply. In the meantime I tried to go outside to get a photo, but then ran in when the turkey started coming my way. I had visions of being chased around my garden by a turkey, and that would make for an even MORE unusual sight! He was too fast to catch on camera! I managed to get one picture of him, but he was camouflaged by our bushes:

Can you spot the wild turkey? I managed to catch one shot of his side profile as he ran past, but he is camouflaged by our trees. His tail isn’t fanned.
And as I was standing by the window trying to get a better picture, that turkey rammed into the garden gate one last time and suddenly remembered he had wings! He took off flying over our garden fence, finally free. It was in that moment that I realized the real inspiration in this story. The turkey had forgotten he had wings.
He wasted all of this time running around the garden in a panic, ramming into fences, trying to squeeze through fences, and having no success at getting out of his situation. He went on this way for at least a half hour and who knows how long he was doing this before I saw him. Once the turkey remembered he had wings to help him, freedom was his. There was truly nothing to fear, but in the panic of the moment he could not see that.
How many times do I go around in this same chaotic manner forgetting that I too have “wings” (at least in the metaphorical sense). So many things on the to do list. Worries. Fear. Sometimes exhaustion. Barriers (whether perceived or real). Road blocks. Just like the turkey bumping in to the same darn walls over and over again. Forgetting that there is an easier way and it doesn’t have to be this difficult. Forgetting that there is help available when he needed it. Help in the form of wings to lift him up and over life’s hurdles.
I too have wings. I have everything I really need in life right here within me. I have tools, resources, people to ask for help, a loving God on my side. Yet sometimes I forget this and run around like a trapped turkey, until I am exhausted from trying to do it all on my own without my wings.
Can you relate? Do you over-complicate things when life could be more simple? Are you quick to panic when you feel “stuck”? Let us remember that we can call on the help and resources we need at any time. We never lose our wings. They are always there waiting to support us. If only we can remember them…. ♥
Keep Living Inspired, Rebekah

What a great metaphor turning up in your yard, Bekah! Isn’t it amazing when the universe sends us such clear messages, especially when it’s with humour!
Hi Em! It was, huh? I love humorous messages most. It really is amazing the messages we receive if we notice them. xoxo
Absolutely delightful and an incredible metaphor. You have a book here, my friend!
Thank you Cathryn! I am not sure if I should make this a book on its own , or put it as part of a collection of inspiring stories. Any feedback on that? You are so good at these things…
Depends on the audience. It would make a delightful and thought-provoking illustrated children’s book, but it would be equally delightful for an audience more in tune with the message – in a Chicken Soup-style collection.
hmm, good ideas! Thanks so much for weighing in, because it helps give me clarity. I often am not sure which way to go with my writing, as I enjoy both children’s books and writing for adults. Maybe I will do both! I would have to adapt this story a bit to make it suitable for a children’s book anyway.
With your talents, it doesn’t have to be either/or. The story would appeal to both audiences, in different formats and with some tweaking. Every now and then we see a stunning story for adults turned into a book for children…and vice versa. I think your story could become a model of “re-purposing”.
Bekah, it was fun reading this story and the correlation between the turkey running around in a panic and your own situation when you were running hither and yon in your own state of panic, having too many things that need to be done and feeling overwhelmed.
Everytime I find myself in over my head I’m gonna remember the turkey in your yard and find a way to take control and focus on the important things on my list and let the rest work itself out. Very cute story!
Hi Becky! Thanks for reading and commenting. Hey- whatever works. If picturing a turkey can help you next time you get stressed, awesome! I’m going to try to remember it too. I’m sure we will need to remind ourselves often since part of the human condition is forgetting this stuff. I know you can relate to feeling overwhelmed/
Bekah, it was fun reading this story and the correlation between the turkey running around in a panic and your own situation when you were running hither and yon in your own state of panic, having too many things that need to be done and feeling overwhelmed.
Everytime I find myself in over my head I’m gonna remember the turkey in your yard and find a way to take control and focus on the important things on my list and let the rest work itself out. Very cute story!
Sorry for the duplicate comment. I was having trouble getting it posted and the next thing I know it posted twice.
A lovely piece, Bekah! Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for reading it Lisa!
What a fun story, and a wonderful reminder of the power within us all. You manifested a turkey to show you your wings. Thank you for reminding me to spread my wings hugs
Thanks for visiting and reading Teresa. It seems we humans need these reminders often. Life can get so stressful and overwhelming at times. I’m glad I could help, AND remember- I am here for you if you need me. Hugs back xoxo
I’ve been meaning to leave you a comment here for some time — sorry it took me so long to do it. Of course, I love this story of an animal bringing a symbolic message, and I completely agree with Cathryn that you have a book here. I so love when animals visit and make their message so clear that we can’t possibly miss it. What a great read!
That’s ok Dara! I’m sorry it has taken me so long to reply back. We’ve had house guests for a couple weeks and things are just slowing down again. I just feel grateful for you period and appreciate the fact that you always take time to comment. That means a lot! Of course I thought of you with the whole animal thing and wondered what Dara would say about Turkey. I think I have many books to write, now I just need to enlist Cathryn to help me, HA! Oh, I will figure it out I am sure . I’m glad you liked it.