Happy Labor (free) Day! I decided since it is a long weekend, that Monday counts as part of my Cozy Cottage Weekends feature :). What was the last thing YOU did to surprise yourself? If you don’t surprise yourself with little gifts of delight, I highly suggest it ;). Awhile ago in my Summer Update post (which you can see HERE if you missed it), I talked about some old fashioned Victorian scatter garden seeds I had tossed in the empty planters in our front yard. It took them awhile to grow from teeny tiny seeds, but they have been in bloom for a few weeks now! That seed packet was one of my most recent ways I gifted myself a fun surprise…
The fun part about doing an old fashioned scatter garden is that you really don’t know what you are going to get. It was a complete mystery to me, and I DO love surprises! What came up were a variety of colors in shades of pink, blue, purple, red, and yellow. Some of the tiny red flowers I couldn’t identify, but I was able to pick out some Moonbeam Coreopsis and some Bachelor’s Buttons. The flowers all grew super tall (Matt said they looked like weeds until they bloomed) and have an organic, wild meadow look about them that fits right in with cottage style decor :). They have been fairly long lasting too! For some reason, the seeds I scattered in the ground didn’t grow. Maybe the soil there wasn’t rich ( I added some potting soil with Miracle Gro in it to the planters where the flowers were a success).

The yellow flowers are a variety of Coreopsis called Moonbeam. This is the earliest photo I took before all the flowers were in bloom.

More blooms ! A variety of Bachelor Buttons join the mix. The flowers are really tall now, so they don’t stand up straight, but they look kind of cool this way.

The rest of the photos in this post are ones I took at night under the garage light with my cell phone.

Not the best quality photo, as this was taken with my cell phone when it was dark out. An up close shot of some Bachelor Buttons.
I only paid $1.99 for the packet and they filled 2 planters completely full of flowers! It is a mixture of annual and perennial, so a few things may come back next year (like maybe the Coreopsis). My packet came from the Victorian Trading Company (a favorite catalog of mine), but it looks like they don’t carry them any more. There are plenty of wildflower and scatter seed mixes though if you want to try something similar! I had fun waiting in anticipation to see what would happen with these surprise seeds, and I would definitely it again. I’ve had several compliments on them!
I have a lot more cozy cottage living things to share and look forward to showing more updates to our home as things take shape.
Keeping hunting for the things that inspire YOU -it makes life a lot more fun!
With love, Rebekah
Reader Question- What was the last thing you did to surprise yourself? I’d love to hear about it in the comments!

What pretty flowers! And such a happy delightful way to cheer oneself up 🙂
Thank you! It is isn’t it? Flowers are one of my favorite things.