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Category Archives: The Cat Colony
Cat Linky Party, Giveaway, & Special Video Creation for Feral Cat Day!

It’s here! National Feral Cat Day 2012! This is my first time ever participating in an event like this. See below for a cat linky party for you bloggers ( I want to hear your cat stories too!), a very special creative video I made, and a Free gifts giveaway-all to celebrate this cause. Why am I doing all this special stuff for Feral Cat Day? Well, it hits close to home, (literally haha) as a feral cat colony seemingly showed up out of nowhere in my backyard and neighborhood late April of 2012. When I saw that first adorable kitty in the rain one day, I thought he was the only one. Within a couple of weeks or less, I realized I was wrong. There were at least … Continue Reading
Meet Apollo! Feral Cat of the Week

This week’s featured outdoor colony cat is a sweet boy that I named Apollo. I have a soft spot in my heart for him because of his sweet nature, but also because he looks so much like the very first cat that started this whole thing, Courage. (Click on the word Courage at left to read the story of how this all began.) Courage disappeared before he was supposed to be taken in to get spayed. It’s been almost 2 months now, so I am thinking he is gone for good 🙁 but that is for another story. I think it is possible that Courage and Apollo are brothers. For one thing, Apollo is the only other cat from this colony that has a long and lanky, … Continue Reading
My First Blog Gift Giveaway-For National Feral Cat Day!

I am so excited to be doing a giveaway for 2 Free Inspirational (and adorable may I add) gift items with photos and words from my We Live Inspired! website. This is not about me, but rather to raise awareness for what I think is a very worthy cause..and a cause I am passionate about. Everyone is welcome to enter, and feel free to spread the word, as it does help raise more awareness. If you have been reading the stuff I write at We Live Inspired!, then you have probably noticed I have been doing more stories about cats these days. This is not a strictly cat blog by the way, but I did get inspired to start this blog after going through the loss of my doggie … Continue Reading
Meet Pumpkin! Feral Cat of the Week Part 2

It’s time for Part 2 to the story of Pumpkin, who is our feral cat of the week. If you missed part one and want some cute pictures and an introduction to her, please click HERE When I first met Pumpkin she was very skinny. Many of the feral cats in this colony looked like they were starving. As I mentioned in Part 1 of the story, I have some funny things to share and one tragic one. I want to end on a pleasant note, so I will start with the tragedy. I didn’t know it at the time, but when Pumpkin came to me this Spring, she was already pregnant. You couldn’t tell because she was so skinny. Once she started getting used to me and … Continue Reading
Meet Pumpkin-Feral Cat of the Week-Part 1

If you are new to my blog and are wondering what is up with this cat thing I am doing, we have a feral cat colony problem in my neighborhood. No one else (that I know of) is helping, and being the animal lover/compassionate person that I am, I (and my caring family members) had to do something about the problem. These cats are not all my indoor pets, but I am their outdoor caregiver I guess you could say. If you would like to read the story about a cat called “Courage” and how this colony thing began, just click HERE for part 1, and HERE for part 2. This week I want to introduce you to a pretty calico cat named Pumpkin Patch aka “Pumpkin“. How … Continue Reading
Meet Fluffy! – Feral Cat of the Week

If you have been following my blog, by now you have heard about Fluffy several times-mostly due to the stories about the birth of her kittens. If you want to catch up on any of these stories you may have missed, you can find them all filed under the tab “The Cat Colony” at www.weliveinspired.com. Fluffy was also mentioned in last week’s cat story about how the colony began and you can read that by clicking HERE if you wish 🙂 Fluffy was the second kitten I “tamed” from the feral cat colony that essentially lives behind our backyard (and I have a feeling there are a lot more in the woods and all around the vicinity). She came to me for help and affection, and of course … Continue Reading
A Cat Called Courage (or how the colony began) Part 2

This is Part 2 of the story of a charity that landed right in my backyard. This is how the cat colony (that I didn’t even know existed) began. This is the story of a cat called Courage! If you missed Part 1, make sure to read that first by clicking here : A Cat Called Courage (or how the colony began) Part 1 May was in full bloom and this first little beautiful cat that shyly approached me behind the garden (at the rhubarb patch) had become a fast friend of mine. It wasn’t long before I noticed he had a little friend. As I would go meet “Courage” by the bushes each day I started to notice this fluffy little kitten (probably 4 months old) behind … Continue Reading
A Cat Called Courage (or How the Colony Began)-Part 1

It was a rainy night in late April. I put on my London Fog raincoat and went out to the back of the property to cut rhubarb for a pie. Some people don’t like the rain. They don’t like to get wet. I am not one of those people. I don’t even need an umbrella (unless I have my hair done or am in dressy clothes for some reason). Personally, I find rain refreshing and storms poetic. While I was cutting the rhubarb I saw a cute little cat peering at me through the forsythia bushes (which were right behind me). He looked interested in me but would not approach me. He seemed very fascinated with my “cutting of the rhubarb” and watched from a distance. I felt sorry … Continue Reading
Seeking Comfort

Today’s inspiration on seeking comfort was inspired by the newborn kittens (who were 1 month old when I took their pictures for this post last week). If you would like to follow the inspirational stories of their growing up days, you can click Here to read the story of the night they were born, or click Here to read the story of the day they opened their eyes. They are getting bigger now and are more active, so I let them have their run of the laundry room most of the day. Last week when I went in the laundry room, I couldn’t find the kittens anywhere. I have tried to “kitten” proof the room as much as possible, but I was concerned that maybe they had gotten stuck … Continue Reading