Happy New Year everyone!! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. I am back from a week long (or so) holiday break to share some funny Christmas photos with you for Wordless Wednesday (a little story to go along with the photos will follow, in case you don’t know who the subject of today’s humor is!)
Oh No- It’s Walter (aka the Christmas Curmudgeon…or you can call him just plain curmudgeon, cause trust me it is not just a seasonal problem!!!)
Who is this cranky little man and more importantly whose stocking was he forced to spend Christmas in??!!
A little back story here. I have this little thing going on where I like to put at least one little prank gift or smile producing funny in my guy Matt’s stocking for Christmas. What can I say- I love a good laugh, a practical joke, and better yet making other people laugh (and Matt likes a good laugh too)! So anyways, this year I put a talking Walter bobblehead in Matt’s stocking. Yes, Walter actually does say cranky things (although not the same things I put in the photos above) and jiggles his grumpy ole head around. Pretty funny actually 🙂 Matt happens to like this ventriloquist comedian by the name of Jeff Dunham, who happens to have this one cranky old man puppet named Walter that just happens to be Matt’s favorite of all the puppets. If you have no idea who Jeff Dunham is or what I am talking about, you can look up Jeff Dunham and his acts featuring Walter on YouTube.
Matt also got a large cowbell ornament in his stocking, but that is an inside joke with us and comes from a SNL skit with Will Ferrell and Christopher Walken in it. (” I’ve got a fever, and the only prescription is more cowbell!!”) If you are totally scratching your head on that one , you can check out the short video clip from youtube below. You see it’s one of our favorite silly skits and we each have a cowbell shirt (his has Christopher Walken on it with the cowbell quote, and mine has Will Ferrel holding a cowbell on it saying More Cowbell! ..some day I will post photos haha). I tend to wear my cowbell shirt if I am having a bad day and need a laugh and recently when Tasha died unexpectedly, Matt wore his cowbell shirt over here to make me smile 🙂 Yes, we are (COOL) dorks like that!
So anyways, if the photos above don’t make you smile, then for cryin out loud -at least check out the youtube video (it’s like 40 sec. long…I swear you have time!) to see an old school dorky Will Ferrell dancing like a dork all over the place with his cowbell to that Blue Oyster Cult Song. If you don’t at least crack a tiny smile at any of this…you are way too serious and probably need to laugh more in the new year 😀 (if you can’t see the video below you can click HERE to get there).
(Hopefully) sending smiles and laughs your way,
Do you put anything humorous in your loved ones stocking? When was the last time you did something silly or funny? I expect answers in the comments!!..jk 😉 but hey-would love it if you shared a laugh with us all by writing something funny you do!

Ha! I love the cow bell skit… I’m not the funny here, but we do do silly stuff all of the time. It’s sweet of you to put some of your antics up here.
Yay! Glad someone else knows what the cowbell skit is. Silly stuff is fun, no matter who the funny one is 🙂 Thanks for stopping by ( I stopped by and commented your way as well).
You always need more cowbell!!!! One of my fav SNL skits and one even my teens have seen and we bond over all the time….This year I just put some bags of coal candy in my kids stockings….they thought it was cute.
I love the Walter stocking…too cute!!
Coal candy for the kids sounds great 🙂 I almost put a tiny thing of coal in the stocking, but thought I already had enough funny surprises for this year. Too true on the more cowbell thing!!! 😉 Thanks for stopping by and commenting.
I love the word “curmudgeon” so I had to check out your post-We also love the guy who made Walter!
haha..that’s funny that the word curmudgeon drew you in 🙂 It is a pretty funny word! Thanks for the smile and for stopping by. Have a blessed new year, Rebekah
I love that word too! And having Walter grumpily staring out at me from that stocking is hilarious! Awesome, Bekah! I need to do more fun things like that! LOVED the PHOTOS! : )
Thanks Becky 🙂
My son wrote to Santa asking for a real reindeer for Christmas so I bought him a stuffed one to hang out of his stocking for Christmas morning. However, someone trumped me and placed an inflatable one on our porch that night. It was the best surprise!
Thanks for linking up with Finding the Funny!
Aw! Well hopefully he liked the reindeer. Cute! Thanks for stopping by to comment.