It’s Friday! That means today is inspiration in the form of poetry (my personal challenge and goal) as I link up with my writing friends for Five Minute Friday. Today’s word was SHE. I was inspired by the full moon tonight, and am excited about what came out during today’s writing exercise! When I was in grade school I used to write funny little children’s books/stories. I haven’t written a children’s book as an adult, but I am thinking I want to turn today’s writing in to a whimsical storybook of some type with some really cool pictures/artwork in it. What do you think?
Will you join me for a bedtime story?
The Man in the Moon
She tiptoes outside at Twilight
To talk to the man in the moon,
Enchanted, his glow calls her forward
Like a whispering magical tune.
Barefoot over dewdrop and plushness-
In her nightgown she waltzes along,
To sit in the moonlight that beckons
with it’s whispering, magical song.
“Dear man in the moon, what’s it like?
To be large and so bright in the sky,
Do you tire of waxing and waning
With each cycle that passes by?
Do you revel in all of your fullness
When in fullness it’s time to shine?
And then when you shrink back to nothing-
Do you find that’s just as divine?
Which phases of life do you like the best?
Oh tell me dear man in the moon-
And when it’s time to start over again
Do you feel that it all came too soon?”
“Dear girl , the moon said as he smiled at me
With the wisdom of age at his breast,
I welcome each cycle all just the same-
Bright shining or times of darkness.
For when you are as old as I ,
You succumb to the ebb and the flow-
Why resist what will be, when it’s set up that way?
It all works together you know.
The tides and the seasons and all living things
Have a purpose to each one their own,
And so we must shine where we’re meant to shine
As life’s rhythm continues to moan.”
And it all made sense as she sat under stars
In the light of the man in the moon,
“Thank you old chap”, she said as she bowed
Now I must get back to my room.”
He winked as she walked down the glowing path
To nestle all snuggly in bed,
“Goodnight dear old moon” she whispered in sighs,
Nodding off, as she laid down her head.”
The End
©Rebekah Ann Stephenson 2013 , all rights reserved
I couldn’t resist- all this talk about moons got me singing the song “By the Light of the Silvery Moon” . What can I say, music is an ongoing theme in my life! 🙂 Let’s combine that with a little bit of vintage and sing along with Doris Day to this song! Youtube video link HERE , or watch below if you are at the website.
(side note, I sing and play a comedic sounding version of this for my own ..and sometimes my parents..entertainment. Question is, will I ever get up the courage to post something like that to my youtube channel..hmm…we shall see! If you need a smile today picture me crooning this song with the uke in a silly voice. I hope that does the trick! )
Do you love moons and Doris Day too?
Here’s to magical full moons!

Oh I want to see this one in full illustration and someone to read it to me before they tuck me in…. or maybe I’ll do the tucking in – but I’d love to hold it in my hands and turn the pages all the same 🙂
Wow. Poetry like this in 5 minutes? I’m impressed! Happy FMF!
Wonderful story, and illustrations! To everything there is a season… 🙂
I absolutely adore this poem, Bekah! I can already see the finished book with your artwork on the pages. Hurry up! I want to buy it! One for myself and several more for my grandchildren. You are amazing!