It’s 5 Minute Friday! The rules are that you have to write something that comes to mind with the word prompt given for 5 minutes straight without over thinking and back tracking. The other really important rule is that us bloggers visit other writers to read what they wrote and leave a comment-especially the one that posted right before us. It’s what community is all about! This week the timer ran out before the last 4 little lines were written. So I went just a teensy bit over to complete the poem so that it wasn’t unfinished. I figured you all would let it slide this time
Today’s word was “Quiet”:
In the stillness of the night
I sit here writing.
The house is quiet.
The room is dark
except for the light of my laptop and sometimes a tiny lamp.
And then of course there is the twinkling of the stars
and a bit of moon-
Shining in through the window
illuminating the corner where I sit.
Illuminating me.
And then I think of words,
and how they illuminate the pages on which they lie.
They illuminate the blog pages online
of all the voices out there
that are also writing.
This activity that we all do together
on these glorious Fridays.
And I smile as I think of all the other minds out there
Maybe also surrounded by quiet.
With only the clickety clack of the keys as we type-
Words that Illuminate faces-
spreading smiles..
Words that illuminate the heart
with joy.
Life Giving Words
That illuminate the dark.
Shedding light,
Illuminating Souls…
And in the stillness I feel a kinship.
And the quiet is filled,
As the moon shines down.
Illuminating me
Illuminating you-
As we sit here together
in this big, small world.
©Rebekah Ann Stephenson 2012
linked @ Lisa Jo’s Five Minute Fridays

Love the little scene you described – just my cup of tea! So peaceful and quiet
speaking of a cup of tea- I should have added that. A cup of tea or hot cocoa would make this scene complete
love the images this brings to mind. beautifully said and oh-so-sweet
thanks so much for sharing!
Thank you Steph. Thanks also for taking the time to stop by and read and comment. It’s my pleasure to share!
I smiled as I read this. So similar to my thoughts on quiet and such a familiar scene.
I am glad you got a smile out of it. I will have to pop on over to read yours next. Thanks for taking time to read mine today!
Thanks for making me smile.
anytime! Your five minute Friday was very sweet
Such joy being in this big, small world with you! I loved every morsel of your post including that amazing graphic. Thank you for illuminating my soul today!
And a joy to you as well Paula
Thank you. Glad you liked the moon…him and the glittering stardust added made me smile, as I like whimsical things. You are welcome and I read yours today and found your words to illuminate the page quite nicely! It was fun sharing words both ways today. Thanks for stopping by!
I love that you write at night! My brain doesn’t function very well to write too late. When I do write at night, I end up going back the next day and editing several parts of it. I used to be a night owl, but the last 4 years or so flipped on me, and I am now more productive in the morning.
I hope to be more of a morning person someday, but I am the opposite. I tend to be more introspective at night, and that is when all of my ideas or thinking tends to happen. Maybe because it is so quiet, not sure! I do have to edit several times as you mentioned though. I tend to make more spelling errors at night