Today I am sharing a money saving tip of the week with you on how you can not only save money on some monthly bills , but also get a pretty sweet Free gift doing it! I was able to help my parents get a Free Kindle Fire (but you could choose a different device instead) by switching over to AT&T U-verse. Let me explain how…
So a few months ago, I was helping my parents (who are cutting back on expenses these days) figure out a way to lower some of their monthly bills. I came across a really great deal for switching over from regular AT&T service to the AT&T U-Verse service. They could bundle their TV, internet, and phone all together for less than half of what they were paying before AND the bonus is that the guy on the phone offered them a FREE device of their choice when they made the switch! My brother had been wanting a Kindle Fire , but it was out of my parents budget. Needless to say they were pretty excited to be able to get him one for FREE! There are other devices you can choose from, but I will get to the current promos in a minute (so keep reading 😉 ).
I will pause here to say that if you are like us and live in a small town that is behind the times technology wise, you may not be able to get U-Verse TV in your area. We were not able to. No worries though, I still saved my parents a lot of money and we did still get our Free gift. In their case AT&T ended up working out a U-verse Phone and Internet Bundle which still cut my parents bill in half. Aside from them cutting their bill in half, they also received a $100 Visa gift card for making the switch, AND the Free Kindle Fire!
***CURRENT PROMO that you guys can benefit from too!:
Right now you can save money by getting a U-Verse bundle of your telephone, TV, and High Speed Internet all for only $79 a month. You know how when you switch to a new service how that low pricing is only good for 6 months to a year typically? Well in this case the $79 a month is for 2 years!
In addition to that you also can get Your choice of a Free Kindle Fire HD, Nexus 7 From Google, an Xbox 360 with 3 months of Xbox LIVE gold, or a Free SONOS PLAY:3.
Just click HERE to go to an offers page, or you can also visit
Sound too good to be true? It’s not, because I can vouch for the fact that it works. However, there is some fine print that we had to go through that I will make you aware of. (Please note that I am just speaking from our experience during the promotional period we took advantage of. You will want to make sure you read the fine print on the website or ask a sales rep for the details if you have questions before joining. Making sure to check things out for yourself is always a good idea ;))
- To get our Free device we had to be active customers of U-Verse for 30 days. You can’t redeem your Free Kindle, Xbox, or whatever you choose until after you have paid your first bill and maintained service for that 30 day period. Makes sense though right?
- The Device was redeemed via email. All rewards with AT&T (Visa Gift cards or the devices) have to be activated by going to the rewards website or calling a phone number. This is important, because if you don’t do this step you will miss out. It’s easy though-just follow instructions in your email or snail mail.
- I am like 99% sure that you have to be a brand new U-Verse customer to get this offer. My parents were with AT&T for example, but they just didn’t have U-Verse so they qualified. It never hurts to ask the company when in doubt though.
- I do believe you have to keep your service for 1 year, or you may have to pay an early termination fee
AT&T does offer different U-Verse bundles (this is just the best offer if TV is available in your area) so I would suggest asking or looking at the website for best values. For instance, I am not sure if this current promo also includes a $100 Visa gift card on top of the device so you may want to ask about that. For those who don’t want one of the Free devices, I think you may be able to get a plan with a higher amount in Visa gift cards.
Well I hope you guys enjoyed this week’s money saving and Freebie tip! Always make sure to ask for all the available offers and any fine print you need to know about for best results! ( I should mention that I was not asked by AT&T to write this article. I am just passing along some good information that benefited my family, to my readers 🙂 )
P.S. More Free stuff coming up this week! You won’t want to miss out on a Free Spring Cleaning Green Product Giveaway here at We Live Inspired! Check back later or keep an eye out for details.

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