Symphony of Life – Inspired Poetry by Rebekah

It’s Five Minute Friday, which for my blog means poetry time! Today’s word is TURN. Let’s see what I can come up with in 5 minutes or so…. Symphony of Life From February until first frost of Fall, Everything has its turn. First the snowdrops, Then the Winter aconite- Little woodland flowers, Dotting the hills with hope. By March the crocus are coming purple, white, yellow, striped Miracle flowers are these- Pushing their way up through frigid snow. Soon to follow are the daffodils, hyacinth, hellebores And then we really know Spring is on its way. The tulips take their turn, Opening their bright faces to the sun- Standing tall, Dancing in the rain. Cue tiny buds on trees Quietly exploding into leaves and blossoms Adorning bare … Continue Reading