Today’s (Cozy Cottage) Inspiration is tomatoes! We are blessed to have a local minister and his wife for next door neighbors. They have a thriving garden with veggies and flowers that they share with us. Since we closed on the home a few months ago , they have been bringing us presents of produce :). One of the things they have been giving us are tomatoes! There seems to be an over abundance of crops this year. It has been a very bountiful season here. So what does one do with all those garden fresh tomatoes?
Being that it is just the two of us, we don’t go through tomatoes very quickly. There are the usual things we use them for; salad, maybe a sandwich, taco night, or maybe even on a home made pizza. Today though I am sharing a recipe I made the other night that we really enjoyed. Neither one of us enjoys eating tomatoes all by themselves, so I dressed them up and made a light (yet filling) quick and EASY meal for two. It is something my mom used to make us in the summers when we were growing up.
To get the full recipe , I am sharing it over at my friend Lizzie’s blog called “Peculiar Treasures”. She has a great section of her blog called “Nifty Notions” that is dedicated to quick meals and tips to make life easier for those days when you “can’t be bothered”! Just click HERE to be taken to her site for the recipe. (if you want to save the recipe , feel free to pin to Pinterest from my website).