Get ready for an easy YUMMY Fall recipe that makes the perfect party food or dinner complement! While most of the things I make in the kitchen are from scratch and made with organic ingredients, once in awhile I just want something quick and easy to prepare that is a crowd pleaser. When it comes to cookin’ (not baking), I quite often don’t have a set recipe-I just throw stuff together (but with a plan in mind of course). I will do my best to tell you the quantities I used for this recipe , and if you like you can adjust things to your taste. It’s a pretty flexible recipe!
Here is what you will need:
- Muffin pans (this recipe makes about 20 muffins)
- 1 container of refrigerated biscuits- (like the Pillsbury kind that come in a can)
- 1 package of shredded cheddar cheese
- Bacon-either real bacon that you have fried and crumbled , or you can use Real bacon bits
- Ham-about 1 cup, diced or sliced. I used the pre-diced ham that comes in a package this time
- Mayonnaise
- Dijon Mustard (yellow mustard if you don’t like dijon)
First you will need to open up that scary can of biscuits. 😮 What? Am I the only one that flinches while I gingerly unwrap the biscuit can awaiting the POP!? It’s like the grown up version of a jack in the box haha. Back to the biscuits… so there should be 10 in the can. You need to divide each biscuit in half. Now you should have 20 dough balls.
Press the dough on to the bottom of each muffin cup and up the sides. (You do not need to grease the pan first and you won’t want to use paper liners.) I use a handy wooden tool that I think came from Pampered Chef to press mine in, but you can use your fingers if you want. If the dough sticks at all, just use flour on your finger tips or on the pressing tool you are using.
Now the dough cups you have made are ready to fill!
Let’s just set those aside for now and mix up the filling. In a medium sized mixing bowl, add about 1 cup of ham (you can use sliced deli ham if you cut it up, leftover ham if you have some, or pre cubed ham). I added 1 package of pre diced deli ham (the tiny little cubes). Now add most of the package of cheddar cheese, saving just a little bit out to sprinkle on the tops later, about half of a jar of Real Bacon Bits (or about 5 strips of crumbled real bacon) , 2 overflowing Tablespoons of Miracle Whip (was out of mayo, but this tastes good too), and about 1 tsp. of yellow Mustard (was out of dijon-but some people prefer the milder flavor of plain mustard anyways).

This is what I used for the bacon in this recipe. Quicker, easier and yummy , but real crumbled bacon would taste excellent also.
You can adjust these amounts to your taste (adding more bacon or mustard if you wish for example) but these are the approximate amounts that I used. Just a note that if you don’t have dijon mustard handy, yellow mustard does work in a pinch (just gives a less spicy flavor) and you can also use Miracle Whip instead of the Mayo for a different flavor. I have done it both ways, and both ways taste good.
The mixture should not be overly wet (it’s not like when you make chicken or tuna salad for example). You will have just enough mayo and mustard to hold the mixture together a bit, and it will get all melty and creamy when it bakes. This is what the filling should look like :
Now let’s fill those cups! Fill each dough cup almost to the top, but not quite. There should be enough filling for about 20 cups. If you run short though you can always add a little more to the filling. After you fill the cups, use the reserved cheese and sprinkle just a tiny bit on the top of each muffin cup.
Now they are ready to go in the oven. Bake them in a 375-400 degree oven for about 10-15 min. or until the cups are bubbly and golden brown. Take the pan out and let cool only slightly and then remove each cup with a fork. Serve hot.
I made these for Matt & I for dinner last night and served them with green beans and garlic mashed potatoes.
There you go! A perfect warm appetizer that is great for football season tailgates , any kind of party and hearty enough to have for a meal like we did last night. I also make these at holiday time for Christmas parties and what not. I guess my secret recipe is out 🙂 Enjoy!
(feel free to share , but please give a link back or credit to original post)
linked @ Sunday Showcase Party, Transformation Thursday,Delicious Dishes, Tempt My Tummy Tues., Domestically Divine Tues., creative at home, women living well, heart for home thursdays & Denise in Bloom

I am a bacon fanatic. Most people who know me know this fact and will post bacon links on Facebook or email me other bacon-related things. I even have a Bacon Board on Pinterest for all things bacon (
I’ll definitely have to try this recipe sometime. And yes, I fear the biscuit can, too 🙂
That is too funny 🙂 Your description of your love of bacon made me smile! My fiance LOVES bacon and I must say I am fond of it too. I have plenty more bacon recipes where that came from haha. Speaking of which, check out the Potato Ham soup that I added BACON to 🙂 Here is the link:
Now I am going to go look at your pinterest bacon board, but will make sure to do it when Matt is not with me, as it will make him want bacon-like now 🙂
I feel much better knowing there is another biscuit can-phobe in my midst ! Thanks for making me smile today.
This would be perfect for a holiday brunch! Thank you so much for sharing this at Foodie Friends Friday.
I need that tool! These look so good! Thanks for sharing on Foodie Friends Friday. Please come back and vote on Sunday!
I had a reader question as to what is the wooden tool called that I used in this tutorial. It is called a mini tart shaper , and is from Pampered chef.