It’s Friday and you know what that means! I am linking up with Lisa Jo Baker’s site to bring you my version of the Five Min. Friday writing exercise in which I write poetry in Five. This week’s word is VIEW. Setting my timer!
Change Your View & Change Your Life:
Perspective is such an important thing-
How we view the world around us,
How we view others,
How we view ourselves.
I choose to live life with an inspired view (hence the theme/name of my website :)).
One thing I have discovered about Life is that those who are happiest, don’t necessarily have it all (i.e. the perfect life).
It’s an illusion and a false perspective to think that to be happy we must have everything going our way.
It’s easy to look at others and say , “Sure, it’s easy for THEM to be happy. They have the perfect job, house, spouse, health, etc. If I had what they have, then I would be happy too.”
If our happiness is contingent on outward circumstance,
Then we are setting ourselves up for a life of displeasure and discontent.
It is in those times when I allow myself to be consumed by circumstances-
Viewing life through all of its overwhelm, trials, and shortcomings-
That I feel weighed down-
Stolen joy & heavy spirit.
It is in those times where I get caught up in the comparison game,
That I temporarily lose site of the blessings that my creator has bestowed upon ME.
(which are unique to each of us-where we may lack the Lord makes up for it in another area where we are blessed.)
I don’t know about you- But I would rather play the gratitude game!
If you know these feelings all too well,
Here is a simple truth-
The lives we live and our happiness (including how we view our world, ourselves, and others) are determined by what we choose to focus on.
While we may not be in control of what happens to us in this life-
illnesses, deaths, hardships, traumas, etc. (and I speak from experience here)
We ARE in control of creating our own happiness.
We can create whatever kind of life we wish to create.
We can turn our setbacks in to comebacks.
While we can’t always change our circumstances,
We can work on changing our VIEW.
I know from experience that this takes work.
It’s a way of life –
This choosing to live inspired.
This choosing to be a seeker of light.
This choosing to be grateful for everything.
This choosing to view the world around you with wonder and possibility!
It’s not always easy to do,
But it’s essential.
Happiness comes from within.
It is a state of mind,
A View point,
A state of BE-ing.
When we choose to focus on that which is good,
Our spirits are lighter,
& we are FILLED-
with Joy.
©Rebekah Ann Stephenson 2013
Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.
Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me–put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.
~Philippians 4:8-9 (KJV & NIV)
Ok, so that didn’t come out quite as poem like as usual..but it’s close enough for this week. 🙂
- How will you choose to view the world around you today? How do you view yourself and others? My wish for you today is that you will view your world, yourself & others as beautiful , filled with love, and with infinite possibility!
Will you do me a favor and when leaving a comment today (or contact me via email) add in at least One beautiful thing you have viewed in your world today? I am anxious to share in your beautiful view! I will start off today by saying my view looks like sunshine, Lilacs in bloom and answered prayers. Praise the Lord! Now it’s your turn…
Let’s Live Inspired together,

I love how you say “choosing” your perspective on several things you listed. That is so true. Joy is a choice. Loving people is a choice (not a feeling), etc. One beautiful thing I view in my world is my 2 year old. So cute and innocent…hard work sometimes but so worth it. (And my other two kids also.). Found you at FMF. Thanks for great post. Love your blog. Very inspiring!
Hi Kirsten! Thanks for stopping by today. Thank you and also Thanks for YOUR inspired perspective, as by adding the part about things being a choice instead of a feeling I gained deeper perspective on this today as well :D. I think we often get feelings and emotions confused and forget that to an extent these are choices as well. Like how you said love is a choice. Most people think it is a feeling or emotion. For it to be the forever kind though it IS a choice.
How blessed you are to have a cute little two year old. That is a great age where they are sweet and innocent like you said. They say the cutest things during these young years ( I am not a mom yet, but have cared for children many times throughout my life. Hope to have a 2 year old of my own someday 😉 ). Enjoy your blessed view ! I am so happy that you liked the blog and post for today.
So true – focus on the blessings bestowed upon ME. I am filled with gratitude today for friends that come running when needed and a mom who drops everything to help me when needed no matter what is going on in her life.
I am glad that line spoke to you. How lucky you are to have friends that come running when needed and a Mom like that too. Thanks for sharing your beautiful view today. Those sound like wonderful blessings to me! I too have a mom who is always there for me. 🙂 Blessed indeed.
Love your perspective and choice of view here. The view from here is a messy one but I know that God is in control. Trusting him to guide us through 🙂
He will. I believe it. Sorry your view has been “messy”..I understand!
Speak on sis.