It’s Friday, so you know what that means! Today is a real treat, because we writers are linking up at a wonderful women’s network that is part of DaySpring , called inCourage! Long before I ever started We Live Inspired!, I was part of this network in some way, shape or form. In fact, I remember when the site was first created ( I think I read the very first post). It’s a wonderful place of encouragement for women, so you may want to check it out by clicking the links in this paragraph. Today’s 5 min. writing word is WORSHIP. I hope you will enjoy today’s poem!
Just as We Are
It needn’t be a Sunday,
pre-planned at certain times
Or in a crowd or building ,
dressed up and all refined.
It needn’t be a special day
with cause to celebrate,
The ordinary will suffice
For You alone are Great.
For ordinary was the place
where first we worshiped You,
A dusty, dirty stable –
The sky an inky hue.
We came from everywhere to see
The One who lit the night
The One the angels sang about-
which caused the shepherds fright.
Some poor or clothed so plain,
Some adorned in Garments Grand-
To see the One who reigns.
And so it is the same today-
He bids us come at will,
Just as we are- each one unique
To worship and”Be Still.”
©Rebekah Ann Stephenson
This turned out differently than what was in my head at the start (I love it when that happens!). I had this image of the word worship, and how it really needn’t be so formal, but can be a way of BEING as we go throughout daily life living inspired by all that surrounds us. The cool thing about writing what wants to be written without over thinking it at the time (on these Fridays), is that it leaves room for one to not question things that the soul or even the Holy Spirit may be saying.
For instance, as I wrote the last line, I thought worship and be still? The be still part seemed such a contrast to the word worship, being that worship is an active thing and to be still means to basically do nothing- ( a reference to being still in case you feel like studying today’s poem ). It actually makes sense now that the clock has stopped and I have time to think about it.
So the shift of today’s poem became less about my original thoughts of the many blessings surrounding us that we could offer up praise for, and more about Him. The fact that we worship Him not just because of what we have, but for the sheer fact that He is God. (The last line of my poem is a reference to the verse-Be Still and Know that I am God).
There are parallels in this poem between the first people that ever traveled to worship Him when He lived amongst us, and how we come to worship now (often times much more formally in grander buildings). I did provide a clickable link in the line “We came just as we were” above in case you want to read up on the types of people that first came to worship for a study. Because from the wise man to the poor shepherds, they all came as they were.
It doesn’t matter who we are, how we come or where we worship, just as long as we come.
Since I am all about music- a song for you to go with today’s inspiration. If you can’t see the video of Johnny Cash singing “Just As I Am”, click here

Hi Rebekah~ I’m just after you in the 5 minute Friday link-up. LOVE the message here. Jesus really just wants us to come, doesn’t he? Messes and all.
Thank you Amy! That He does..just like you said- messes and all. What a relief to be able to come as we are. Have a wonderful weekend and thanks for stopping by.
I find it interesting that you felt that being still contradicted the word worship. Stillness is the place where the answers come from. Just breathing, being still and aware is an act of joy and service. Mindfulness. So yes, I believe the two go together really well.
Hi Tam! You know how it is with FMF, where we just write what comes and not over think? At the time I was writing it all (without stopping to take thought until after it was written) I had a vision of worship in my head in a more active sense. In a more jubilant way, like how it is in church when they do the praise and worship music and it can be quite exuberant and the opposite of quiet repose and stillness. Sometimes worship can be loud! 🙂 Of course after the 5 min. was up and I looked back over what I wrote, it did not seem contrasting at all and made perfect sense. I was just being led in a diff. direction than my original vision of worship 🙂 which was interesting to me. Thanks for stopping by and sharing your beautiful thoughts as well!
Any time. I find a Christian experience of spiritual practice quite interesting. I am not a Christian myself, though.
It’s amazing how you come up with these poems in only 5 mins. Well done!
Love it! And I love Johnny Cash!
Thanks Eileen! Have a wonderful Labor day weekend and thanks for connecting with me here.
Love this great poem, Rebekah! Five minutes of pure Holy Spirit inspiration here. It’s wonderful when He takes over and leads us in ways we hadn’t anticipated. What an honour to link up with Incourage as well.
I was lead to post something entirely different and not my usual FMF offering at all. Sometimes you just have to go with whatever flow is coming. Hoping that normal service will be resumed for me next week! Blessings 🙂 xxx
Thank you Joy. I am glad you understand where I am coming from, because it can be hard to explain when it comes to the Holy Spirit at work. There have been a few times where when writing a poem , something else takes over and so I don’t even feel I can take the credit much. 🙂 I have some down time this weekend to catch up on reading your blog and connect better . Will be heading on over soon! Sometimes the soul needs to purge and a different sort of post WILL come out. Looking forward to reading what’s on your heart my friend. Hugs!