It’s Five Minute Friday and I am back with a poem this week. Today’s poem is very whimsical, and if you haven’t guessed this about me yet, I am a person who loves a bit of “magic” and whimsy. It keeps me living inspired! 😉 A random fact about me is that I collect fairies-specifically fairies by Cicely Mary Barker, who happens to be a famous artist from England that did many illustrations of Flower fairies. My collection is pretty small at this point, as I started collecting them after having a magical fairy garden tea party for my 30th birthday! Sometime I will write an article sharing more about my love of fairies and my collection. Anyway, today’s word from Lisa Jo was AFTER, and I came up with a little fairy poem (my first poem about fairies actually!). The photo I included below is of the Christmas Tree Fairy (a gift last Christmas from my brother). So on to the poem then!
After a Summer’s Rain
A dewy sphere of dampened green
Beckons me to softly tread,
Barefoot across the tender blades
and over to the flower bed.
Where fairies live within the flowers
So small the eye can scarcely see,
But I , believing, catch a glimpse
Their hidden world revealed to me.
I watch them dance and drink the dew
With laughter like soft tinkling bells,
As if to say, “The rain has passed”,
Now all is well, now all is well!
And as I turned to walk away,
I swear I heard a whisper say-
“Belief’s the balm of all things seen,
The world belongs to those who dream!”
©Rebekah Ann Stephenson 2013 @

You are a talented poet! I love to see how each writer spins the word – after – well done!
Thank you Amanda. That was nice of you to say. Isn’t it fun to see how others use the word of the day?! I love all of the interesting perspectives out there, as many times they are things I would not think of myself. 🙂
There you go again – Beautiful!!! loved this one…now I’m right there dancing with the fairies in your garden 🙂
Oh good! Then we can dance together 🙂 As I was writing this I pictured myself dancing with them too haha. Wouldn’t that be fun?
Amazing poem.
Thank you 🙂
Sweet and cute poem Rebekah! 😀
Definitely “magical” and makes me feel like a fairy prancing across the flowers, or sliding down those leaves. haha!
I’ve watch some fairies cartoon shows before so I can imagine that. hehe 🙂
(I’ll reply your email soon, I haven’t been studying hehe!)
I also thought of sliding down a leaf , but couldn’t figure out how to quickly work that in to a poem 🙂 We can be fairy princesses together then. Sounds like fun to me! Take your time on the email 😉
Thanks! :p & looking at the comment below, yes! Whimsical is the word I was looking for! heheh :p
Hahaha! Cute! Alrighties! I’m going to be either pink or red.
I like those two colors, what colors do you like? 😀
*looking for to describe your poem!* 😀
I also like pink, but I love purples and blues too. So I will be a lilac fairy. Those are my favorite flowers anyways! haha
Beautiful and whimsical poem. Literally made me feel happy and “light” inside. I loved it and it blessed me today. I think my 5years old daughter would also love this poem….she is enthralled by fairies right now.
Hi Kirsten! Thank you. I am so glad it blessed you. That was the intention- to make people feel light and happy and “dream” a little bit. With the stresses of life, I like to try to create a fun and happy little corner over here 😉 I try to have some family friendly content that children will enjoy here too (I also share cute cat stories for example). You will have to let me know if she liked it (if you read it to her)! If she is enthralled with Fairies, I would suggest one of the Cicely Mary Barker books. I will actually be blogging about one of the books I have by her sometime if you want to check back, but there is this book that is a pop up style. I believe it is called Fairyopolis. (will have to check ). It not only has pop up images that make the fairies come to life, but it has fairy sounds when you open the book 🙂 ! I bet she would love it. Thanks for stopping by to share some whimsy with me today. Wishing you magic and a fairy sighting in your near future 😉
Such a fun, happy and beautiful poem! Bekah, you are on a roll with your wonderful poetry! I am looking forward to reading all of them yet to come. Thanks for writing something beautiful for all of us.
Oh you are so clever! In love with your writing – such beautiful words. Also, it makes me extremely happy that fairy dust comes out of the arrow on screen as I move it – worth visiting even for that! Love stopping by your blog, you are so very talenting and so encouraging. God bless, lovely lady!
Thank you so much Ruth. Your words brighten my day :D. Isn’t the fairy dust fun? I love fairy stuff anyways, (like you couldn’t tell from the poem haha). Life is tough, but I like to seek light as much as possible and I am glad to be able to encourage anyone out there who needs a little pick me up too. God bless you also, and feel free to stop by and connect anytime. A warm hand of friendship is always extended here! Have a beautiful , inspired week.
Love this one so much!! I too, wrote a poem for my five minutes. I really love yours.
I am glad you enjoyed it 🙂 I read yours and will leave a comment for you soon. Thanks for the visit! It was nice to connect with a fellow poet 😉
Simply lovely. (I agree barefoot is the way to go into a garden.)
May I recite this poem to music and post it online? (Would you consider joining hitrecord and releasing it for all to play and/or publish it?)