The other day I shared a Free bible app that I really like (I have it on my smart phone). You can click HERE if you missed that post and want to learn more about it. What I love about YouVersion though, is that they also have free reading plans you can start and a free devotional book as well. Right now I am enjoying some Christmas reading plans before bed, as a way to sort of unwind during the crazy holiday season. I am going to share about those first, and then will talk about the Free Devotional book.
So the two reading plans I love the best for Christmas are:
- Carols: A Christmas Devotional – This is 25 days of some of our favorite Christmas carols. It talks about one carol each day and gives a short little inspirational reading to go along with it. This is the easiest to read time wise, and my favorite of the two
- Joy! to your world! A Countdown to Christmas– Another 25 day plan that follows the traditional Christmas story of Mary and the baby Jesus. This is a bit more in depth and not as light and quick to read as the other one, but in a good way. It really is about creating Joy this season and the Joy we have to look forward to as a result of the birth of Jesus.
I know a lot of people have had a rough year, or are going through much grief right now with all of the tragedies that have been going on. Many people I know have had major losses this year and also illnesses. If that is you, and you are having a hard time getting in to the Christmas spirit, you may find peace or comfort in reading one of these plans. There is a lot of encouragement to be found in them of the hope and joy that this season is meant to be about. Even though these are 25 day plans, they are really short daily inspirations, so it isn’t too late to read them! If you don’t have a smart phone or tablet to download them on, you can just read them online by signing up with YouVersion HERE if you like.
Now for the Free 365 Day Devotional book! I have personally really enjoyed this book and find it encouraging. I have talked a lot about what living inspired means to me throughout the course of my writing for this site, and devotionals are one of the things that are good for a positive mindset. I feel like taking a few minutes each day for some positive reading or meditating is essential for personal well being, so I tend to do something of that nature on a regular basis (whether it be reading a devotional like this, positive quotes, or some other type of inspirational book). I know everyone is different , so do what works for you!
Anyways, this Devotion that you can get FREE with the YouVersion bible app (or online with your computer) is “Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life (a daily devotional).” If you know who Joyce Meyer is , then you probably know she has many helpful books on all sorts of subjects that we deal with. So I thought it was pretty cool to be able to get this one free.
I would say I am about a third of the way through this plan and have really loved it so far. It covers topics we deal with every day from feeling angry, to fear, to the way we treat others (talking about showing love to others for example), to trust issues, etc. etc. You pick a topic you have struggled with and it is probably covered :). Joyce is known for giving it to you straight and speaking the truth, but that is what I like about it. I definitely find it encouraging and convicting at times. It probably takes me like 2 minutes to read each day’s short thought, so it’s great for those of you who are busy. I like to read before bed, but I should start my day with one also, as it would start my day out on a positive note!
If you have any questions about how to get any of these things free or how to use them, feel free to ask me. I thought some people may enjoy the Christmas ones now, and then the 365 day book would be a good one for going in to the New Year! Just so you know, I am never compensated or asked to do reviews for any of the tips I share. If I ever were and decided to do that, I would def. let you guys know! I just like to pass on tips of things that work for me, in case it can help anyone else 🙂
Question: Do you do some type of daily positive reading? What would be your favorite way to refresh your spirit reading wise- Devotions, positive quotes, bible reading, maybe humor or self help books? I love to know what types of things you guys enjoy too!