It’s Five Minute Friday again where I link up HERE with this great community of writers who all write for five minutes on whatever word Lisa Jo gives us. Today’s word is REST. Does that word speak to any of you these days? I know it does for me. I wonder what will come out today…here we go!
The God of Rest:
When it all just gets to be too much
and my Spirit burdened be,
‘Tis then Mine eyes can see the Truth-
It’s then I’ve wandered far from Thee.
It’s then that I’ve forgotten how
to take it all to Thee in prayer,
My sight for-shortened only sees,
This fight as mine alone to bear.
Then in the dark , a speck of light-
Will filter through my cloudy view,
My faded smile returning slow
In Thee my Spirit will Renew.
My wish is this (next time I stray),
My Spirit Broken, put to test-
that with Haste my heavy load I’ll come
Unpack with He who gives me Rest.
©Rebekah Ann Stephenson 2013- weliveinspired
“Come to me all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you REST. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
-Matthew 11:28-30 (NIV)
Does your spirit need Rest from the burdens of the world today? Why not take a minute to “unpack” right now by bringing your cares to Him. Also feel free to leave a prayer request here, or via private message. After writing my poem, I thought of a Josh Groban song that you may enjoy. You can watch below, or click HERE if you can’t see the video.

Hi! Just visiting from FMF! I loved your poem! I also loved the pictures and video. What a great way to show that our rest comes with knowing Jesus!! 🙂
I am glad that you enjoyed it all 🙂 Thank you for visiting.
Amazing!!!! Absolutely beautiful!! You are truly gifted!! Thank you for sharing your gifts with the world.
Thanks so much Lauren. Your comment made my week 😀 When you have a passion for writing , nothing means more than for someone to appreciate your words and to say the types of things you said here. I truly appreciate you! I don’t know if I can take all credit as it were, as I feel that I am just blessed to be a vessel and I know who any gifts I may have come from. 🙂 Have a wonderful week ahead, and Happy St. Patty’s Day to you!
Beautiful, you bless.
Wow!!! You’ve outdone yourself today. Simply beautiful (and it even rhymed). Well done you!! Bless you heaps 🙂
Thank you 🙂 Better late than never, right? It seemed like I couldn’t get any quiet to write this Friday! Thanks for the sweet comments, they mean a lot. Yes, the rhyming part I am going to try to do more if I can. I got stuck on the last line with trying to rhyme this time though. I knew I wanted to end with the word rest, but drew a blank for a little bit on how to work that out. Bless you heaps too my friend!
Really nice, Bekah. Well done. : )
Thank you Becky!
eeps! this is awesome! 🙂
I could relate with your poem Reb! 😀
Love it when a phrase can capture so much meaning 🙂
Can’t wait to see more poems that you’ll write over the days/weeks/months/years 😀
😀 Thanks Esther. I can’t wait to grow along with you and see more of your writings too! Thanks for your sweetness, you are great. xoxo back! P.S. it’s about time for another FMF 😀