This weeks poem , “In Between the Silences”, is inspired by the one word prompt at Five Minute Friday, “Pause”. Friday Morning I woke with poetry in my head for some reason, and the words flowed from my pen like water from a sieve. Here is my 5 minute poem!
In the wee hours of morn,
before the world is stirring much,
before the sun has touched the land with golden fingers of light,
before the first bird has sung her song-
I awaken.
Memories of the past knocking at the door of my mind,
like a distant dream that almost never was.
You were there,
shining your love upon my wounded soul,
like a comforting candle illuminating the dark.
I was there,
witnessing your glory,
seeing myself through the mirror of your eyes.
What a stunning view.
Two souls once intertwined,
now separated by circumstance,
though ever connected through the tangled strands of Time.
I pause.
It’s what I hear in between the silences that’s telling.
The noise of nagging memories,
words spoken,
hearts expressed,
bare souls –
wide open and full of wonder
raw and unabashed
as if the world had paused and ceased its unending cycle,
so only we two could know its secrets.
Frantically I gather these fleeting memories as if they were fragments of gold,
lest I forget the very things that made my soul come alive.
To forget them would be to forget a part of myself.
For a moment, I feel this time lapse now-
in between the silences,
before the world awakens again.
My heart thought it forgot you.
but like the stars never forget the night,
and the sun never forgets the day,
How could my soul erase the glory of you or your love?
How could my heart erase the unexpected union of two souls?
Finding one another
Amid the scattered stardust of all that is.
I pause.
I listen for the beat of my heart and its buried truths.
In between the silences of Life.
Copyright May 25, 2018 by Rebekah Ann Stephenson
(please contact me for permissions if wish you wish to use. I love hearing from people who enjoy my poetry! 😀 )
This poem made me think of one I read long ago in high school ( a favorite of my English teacher’s ) “Heart We Will Forget Him“. You can click those words at left to read.

Oh Bekah honey this really touched me. Poetry is such a powerful way to sort things out and heal the heart.
Very touching. Such a beautiful, romantic, and moving style of expressing oneself. As always truly a gift to share with the world. I thank you!
Rebekah, your poem , “In Between the Silences”, is truly moving and an inspiration. A dear friend’s husband just passed away. I would like to include a copy of this poem in my gift of a lantern with a candle to her to memorialize her beloved husband. Please let me know that I have your permission to do so. Thank you.