Today’s blog post is something new I tried this week. It’s a 5 min. writing exercise prompted by Lisa-Jo, a community leader at the InCourage (part of Dayspring) network for women. I was a bit chicken to do it, but anyways…here goes. If you are a blogger and want to participate in 5 min. Fridays, there is a new word prompt each week , and you can click through the link at the bottom of this to check it out.
1. Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking.
2. Link back here and invite others to join in.
3. And then absolutely, no ifs, ands or buts about it, you need to visit the person who linked up before you & encourage them in their comments. Seriously. That is, like, the rule. And the fun. And the heart of this community..
Today’s Word is Grasp
Clinging to something tightly
White knuckled
Afraid to let it go-
what would happen if I loosened my grasp
Would I fall?
Would I fail?
Would I be able to handle what comes next-
with letting go.
Some things we hold on to so long
memories-some good , some bad
past hurts
situations out of our control
things that no longer serve us
one sided relationships with people we try desperately to stay connected with
when they have moved on
these things we grasp-
they become habit-
a way of life for us
we are so used to holding on to them that we don’t know HOW to let go
or maybe we Do know how, but we just resist.
Grasping can be comfortable.
We are used to holding on.
Letting Go-
the unknown
What if we fall when we loose our grasp
Who is waiting there for us in the next phase?
©Rebekah Ann Stephenson 2012
Linked @ 5 min. Fridays

What beautiful and thought-provoking words! I’m certainly guilty of holding on to things that I need to let go of. I like what you said about one-sided relationships, and it’s a great reminder for me to let them go when they get to that point.
Welcome to Five Minute Friday!
Thanks for coming on over to comment. I am glad you liked it 🙂 Realizing one needs to let go of a person can be tough if there is a history there. I guess life constantly changes- including the people who walk in and out of it. Thanks for welcoming me to 5 min. Fridays. I appreciate it!
Enjoyed this.
Thank you for stopping by. Glad you enjoyed it!