
Welcome to “We Live Inspired!”, where I share my life’s journey of living inspired no matter what, along with fun creative things to help you make the “Mundane Marvelous” too!


fairy bekah

Here I am lying on a carpet of fragrant flower petals in my favorite spot in the garden. Among other things, I am a dreamer who loves nature and gardening.

My name is Rebekah Ann Stephenson (but most people call me Bekah). I’m an artist/writer/poet/blogger, who also happens to be a fairy godmother 😀 ! I help other creatives birth their dreams out in to the world, which is how I was given the title of “Fairy Godmother (if you need a fairy godmother to sprinkle some magic in your life, you can check out my services page HERE). I’ve been blogging about how I live inspired for a few years now, as my goal is to help others live with Joy, Inspiration and Love NOW, no matter what their circumstances are.

I believe in Miracles.

I believe in finding inspiration & beauty in everyday life.

I believe in practicing gratitude and recording life’s blessings (and have found this to be a life changer in my own journey towards creating a happier, fulfilling life that naturally attracts more abundance).

I don’t believe in putting off happiness until life gets “better”. I believe we can create our own uniquely beautiful lives right here, right now, wherever we are at in life.

That is exactly what I have done and continue to do. I have spent the last 16+ years of my life teaching myself how to live inspired despite anxiety/panic, loss, and trauma, and now I am sharing that journey with you. At the beginning of my journey towards recreating my life, I didn’t feel inspired, and in fact was suffering quite a bit. Bit by bit I put together a menagerie of self help practices that eventually took me from just surviving, to thriving. One day the words “live inspired” popped in my head, and I realized that was what I was doing. I wanted something beautiful to come out of all I had been through, and decided to create a place to share. That is how “We Live Inspired” was born 🙂 .

I hope that in sharing how I live inspired, you will gain a fun, fresh, creative perspective so that you can find hope, beauty and inspiration everywhere too. 

Will you join me in “finding the magic” in ordinary days?  

  Creating is my passion and you will find glimpses into my creative life here, like:(insert photos here)

I have been creating in some way, shape or form for as long as I remember.  It probably started with a love of music and singing for my own enjoyment since about the time I could talk.  By the first grade I was entering my first drawing and coloring contests, and started writing poetry and my first children’s book somewhere around the 2nd or 3rd grade.  As a child, I used to spend hours outside in nature, getting lost in books or just daydreaming about things and coming up with ideas.  In fact, a couple of years ago I found some of my elementary school papers where I had said that I wanted to be a writer or an artist when I grew up!  

At about age 12 or so, I took my first painting classes (starting with some water colors and moving quickly to oils) and in high school I would spend my “boring” classes (namely Math) doodling in a notebook and mostly writing lots of poetry which I compiled in to a journal.  


This is my first painting ever. When I started taking art classes, Carol started me out with watercolors before moving on to oils. I was about 12 when I did this one.

This is my very first oil painting that I did at about age 13. I took art classes after school from a lady named Carol Holly at her shop called “The Thistle Patch”.  (The lettering in these photos, are just my watermarks and not part of the painting.)

       This creating continued as an adult and has now grown to include a menagerie of other interests and ideas, many of which will be shared in this blog.  In recent years I realized that life itself is part of the creative process, which brings me to how I came up with the name for my website and what it means to me:


We Live Inspired, quite simply put, is about living an inspired life and simply looking for (& finding) inspiration in seemingly ordinary things.  It’s sort of like being a treasure hunter as we see life through a fresh, poetic, wonder-filled lens.

How does one do that?

Let me start out by saying it is NOT about having a perfect life, or about everything being peachy. Life can be tough. As bubbly as I am, I know what it’s like to have your life not go like you expected it to at all. I know what it’s like to rebuild from the ground up.  Really we all have these periods of re-inventing ourselves at one time or another- it’s just our stories and circumstances that differ.  

Sometimes you have to throw out that road map of the perfect life you had in mind and go off the beaten path and make your own unique trail!  That is where we have an opportunity to create great things we never would have stumbled upon had it all gone the way we planned.


♥  To me, living an inspired life is about perspective.  It is about seeing beauty in the world around you and learning, growing, and even laughing your way through life as much as possible!  It is about being grateful and not taking things for granted.  It is about slowing down and noticing the miracles & blessings around you (even the small ones).  It is about being a seeker of light.

♥  Living Inspired is also about Creating – Creating your own beautiful life and your own brand of sunshine-whatever you are doing!  It is also about using our unique life gifts and talents. Even if you don’t think you are creative, I believe we are ALL creative in our own unique way, as we are an extension of the Creator (God) himself.

♥  Living Inspired is about holding on to your dreams, and believing in possibilities (rather than thinking they are silly)   After I reached the 30 mark , I decided it was time to revisit my childhood dreams and become the writer or artist I always dreamed of being when I was little.  As an adult I had put my creative passions on the back burner and I longed to get reconnected with my roots!  I realized life is too short to let any talents we have go to waste, or to spend our energies doing things we don’t really have the passion for.   What dreams and talents have you put on the back burner?  Will you join me in being a “Dream Chaser”?

What Stuff will you find in this blog?

An eclectic mix that I hope will appeal to people of all ages from all walks of life. 


the “We” in “We Live Inspired”, means it is not just about my personal inspired living journey. You will also find stories of others living inspired, following their hearts, making a difference in the world, or turning challenges into triumphs. My hope is to make this an inspiring community, so please do stop by, sit for a spell, and share your stories too in the comments of any page or article here. I do respond back. Let’s connect! You can also join me in being a “blessings hunter” by going to my online gratitude journal page HERE,  and leaving a comment of whatever little miracles happened in your world today, or what beautiful things you are noticing.

Looking forward to crossing paths with you, as together “we live inspired.”

~ Rebekah

12 Responses to About

  1. Karen Hankins says:

    Have gotten behind on reading e-mails and didn’t realize you have a blog page. Talked to your Mom today, and she told me. Went through old e-mails and found it. I really like it and have enjoyed the “kitties”. Love you. Aunt, Karen

  2. Pingback: It All Starts With Gratitude - We Live Inspired!

  3. Eleanor Goudie says:

    This is a great idea. As you can see I found your site. You have plenty of oppertunity to grow. I would love to help you and learn together once again. As our conversations have grown over the years and we have never met one another I feel as if I can lay my life in your hands and would be safe. We are two peas in a pod as I commented earlier. As I read your page we have more in common than I thought. Our love in helping others down to painting and drawing. Those too are my past time favorites. I had never thought about a site like this to be comforting and a great way to meet people. I am so glad that I made that phone call to you and was able to create a good friendship from someone I have never met. This is out of my comfort zone but has been one of the best moves I have made. As I once told you I don’t make friends that I can confide in easily so our friendship is very rare but dear to me. I would love to meet you some time soon. Maybe when I can take my vaccation or something. I will be looking at your site more just thought I would comment on what I have viewed so far. Your extended friend Eleanor

    • Rebekah (We Live Inspired) says:

      Thank you Eleanor, very sweet :). Yes it is weird how one small action can change the course of things in your life. I have often thought about that as well (in regards to that phone call you made to me randomly that was the start of a new life path for me and quite a few uniquely close , yet never met in person friendships). Thanks for stepping out of your comfort zone-I understand that as I think it was a step out of mine as well! I do hope to offer inspiration and FUN to people via this site. Will look forward to meeting you for real someday.

  4. Vicki says:

    It sounds like we have a lot in common Rebekah. Certainly our view on life is very similar. 🙂 I also consider myself a creator or artist, although it took me along time to have the confidence to label myself as such. Since I don’t do “traditional” arts like drawing or painting, I didn’t think I fit into the category. But I always felt like I had an artist in me. Eventually I found her through crafting. I love all different kinds of crafts from card making, jewelry making and repurposing and redecorating second hand items.

    I’m looking forward to getting to know you better!

    • Rebekah (We Live Inspired) says:

      Creating is so vast really! Even cooking and baking is creating, crafting is too! I also do jewelry making and card making. Just about any type of art or craft there is I have tried. You sound like you have an inner artist or creative soul to me! Creating is not only fun, but I feel it is healing. I look forward to getting to know you better as well 🙂

  5. Gwen says:

    I love how you said that we all have periods where we re-invent ourselves. I think that is so true and it happens multiple times in our lives.

    • Rebekah (We Live Inspired) says:

      Thanks Gwen! My mom says it happens every new decade we enter. It can be scary and exciting all at the same time, but it’s a wonderful thing I think.

  6. Dearest Rebekah,
    I’m taking some time to browse your beautiful site (a small diversion from doing preliminary reading on how to start up in WordPress). In the background I have music playing that uplifts my spirits.
    I am at once inspired by how beautifully you express yourself about who you are, where you have been in your life, your desires, loves and dreams.
    Thank you. I’ll be visiting again.

    • Astrid Larsen says:

      I’m taking some time to browse your beautiful site (a small diversion from doing preliminary reading on how to start up in WordPress). In the background I have music playing that uplifts my spirits.
      I am at once inspired by how beautifully you express yourself about who you are, where you have been in your life, your desires, loves and dreams.
      Thank you. I’ll be visiting again.

    • Rebekah (We Live Inspired) says:

      Thank you so much for taking the time to visit my site and comment dear Astrid. I love how you were playing uplifting music while you were here :). I look forward to seeing your creations in the future and having you come back for a visit again in the future as well! You are a blessing. (P.S. let me know if you need blog or wordpress help in future. Still working on getting together the mentoring stuff I am creating to help others start up like I did, but hoping to have it done soon.) Love to you, Rebekah

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