After a Summer’s Rain- A poem about Fairies and Believing!

Fairy Inspirations

It’s Five Minute Friday and I am back with a poem this week.  Today’s poem is very whimsical, and if you haven’t guessed this about me yet, I am a person who loves a bit of “magic” and whimsy.  It keeps me living inspired! 😉  A random fact about me is that I collect fairies-specifically fairies by Cicely Mary Barker, who happens to be a famous artist from England that did many illustrations of Flower fairies.  My collection is pretty small at this point, as I started collecting them after having a magical fairy garden tea party for my 30th birthday!  Sometime I will write an article sharing more about my love of fairies and my collection.  Anyway, today’s word from Lisa Jo was AFTER, and I came up with … Continue Reading

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