Need something relaxing to meditate on this week? I thought I would share another one of my “things that feed the soul” things I have collected over the years-the most beautiful choral arrangement of the 23rd Psalm that I have ever heard ( I think it’s something most anyone of any background would enjoy).
I have always loved the 23rd Psalm and have found it not only to be a great biblical passage-but very poetic as well. When I read it, I picture a comforting and symbolic scene of a shepherd guiding a lamb through rolling hills of the greenest grass, dotted with trees and clear glass- like streams of water. In a society where it’s so easy to get caught up in material things, “wants”, and haves or have nots, I find the opening verse of the 23rd Psalm to be grounding. It is basically saying that we have someone who looks out for us that meets all of our needs, and so what more could we want? He will bring refreshment for our weary souls when they need replenishing. What more could we ask for?
When you find yourself needing a “soul vacation”, I invite you to sit back and meditate on the natural beauty that was created just for us. Picture the rolling hills, the flowers, the green grass, the lakes, etc. How rich are we? These natural landscapes , a God that loves me and gorgeous music that touches the soul are the things I am grateful for this week! Have you started looking for blessings since the last post about creating a Gratitude Journal? If you feel inclined to share I would love to hear what you come up with in the comments section or on Facebook.
A random fact about me is that I love things that have to do with England (watching BBC shows, reading English literature-including Jane Austen novels and movies, a good English tea, etc.). I actually came across this choral arrangement because it was the theme song for one of the BBC shows I watched one time. Anyways, get ready to hear a gorgeous arrangement of the 23rd Psalm which includes some vocals by young choir boys and also some relaxing scenery from the English Countryside. Happy Sunday!
If you subscribe via email, you may not be able to see the YouTube video above, so you would either have to go directly to the website, or click here to see this weeks awesome choral arrangement
Please share what blessings you have had this week, or what things you are grateful for in the comments section below (at the website) or on the We Live Inspired facebook page. I would love to have you add to our online gratitude journal! If you are keeping a private gratitude journal like the one I have, that is awesome too!
Linked here : The WellSpring,Miscellany Monday, Covered in Grace, & Multitudes on Mondays, and Inspire Me Mondays

Really nice post, enjoyed it.
I am glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for stopping by!