It’s Friday again and you know what that means! Inspiration in the form of Poetry in Five. I love linking up with the ladies at Lisa-Jo’s site because they are the most wonderful ladies! Feel free to check us out sometime and join in for your own Five Minute Friday. Today’s word is BROKEN and actually I think we did this word before as I wrote a story about “Broken Vessels” (click left to read that one) and one of those God things I experienced several years ago when I donated a prayer shawl to a stranger on the other side of the USA. So I guess today I will take this word in a different direction.
Morning Has Broken
Morning has broken
and Dawn turns to Day,
The Sunlight
it Dances
Where butterflies play.
And bees make their honey
They buzz right along,
Whilst birds fly toward heaven
Singing their song.
The tender buds open,
Springing forth from the dew-
As Earth wakes from slumber
Making Everything new.
And so the wheel continues,
Each passing day Reborn-
Another chance to Now embrace,
The magic that is Morn.
©Rebekah Ann Stephenson 2013
This poem was inspired by the song “Morning Has Broken” by Cat Stevens. My uncle Mike loved this song and used to sing it on his guitar (he has since passed from Pancreatic cancer). I too have always loved it and its beautiful lyrics. It makes me want to sing outside with my guitar ..right to the heavens! My words cannot quite compare to the song, but I have embedded a video so you can enjoy the beauty of “Morning has Broken”.
This video is SO beautiful..with birds and flowers and all. It reminds me of how I feel about my garden. Full lyrics to song included in video. If you can’t see the video click HERE to go to it.
May it inspire your day today. Look around you…see all the glory that is Earth and what we have been blessed with as a new day dawns today my friends.
Until next time- Live Inspired,

I can just picture you dancing around your lovely garden singing the words of your poem. Beautiful! This one made me smile 😀
I love making people smile, so I am glad it had that effect. I SO would dance around a garden, so the picture in your head is pretty accurate. I bet you would join in too if you were here 🙂
Another rhyming one! Love it!!!
I try to reply to every post and noticed I missed this one. Glad you enjoyed it 🙂 Hope you are having a fine week. It’s almost FMF again! Time does fly…
A beautiful rhyming poem, Rebekah. I love this take on ‘Morning has broken’ and it was great to catch up with the song too. A real blast from the past! Thanks also for sharing your personal story behind its choice. Always a pleasure to drop by and visit this garden of delights, my friend 🙂 xx
I somehow missed replying to this post. So you were familiar with the song then 🙂 It is a bit before my time, but this era is one of my favorite music eras and I listen to many songs from that time. Always a pleasure to have you here!
I think we may have talked of this before but I lost my husband to pancreatic cancer also. This is such a beautiful post! I love rhyming poems! This was one of our favorite songs too! In fact, we played an instrumental version in our wedding ceremony. It’s bittersweet to hear it.
I always love visiting you! 🙂
Yes we did talk about it. I think it was when I first saw your blog during a FMF. I wanted to reach out because of the pancreatic connection and I really felt for you. What a beautiful song to have at a wedding. I bet that was a beautiful ceremony. Sorry it is bittersweet, I know how that can be with some songs. Anyhow, I am glad you liked this poem and I always love visiting you too my friend. A bit behind on the replies lately, but wanted to let you know I thought of you and didn’t forget!