Dear Inspired Friends,
Spring is almost here and it has been awhile since I’ve posted. I thought it was the perfect time for an old fashioned letter from me to you! Things have been humming along at an alarmingly fast rate it seems (does anyone else feel like time is speeding up or something? Wasn’t it just Christmas…). There have been oddities too. The quirky things in life are what make it fun and interesting though! Take the “plastic” snow for example. Winter has been hanging on here in Michigan (we had one almost 70 degree day this week, but we are expecting snow again). Just a couple weeks ago when I stepped outside my house late one night I was greeted by the oddest looking snow scene I’ve seen. The entire neighborhood looked like some kind of Narnian fantasy world. A layer of ice completely covered the deep snow and it was all so shiny that it looked like plastic!
Every now and then some ice would fall off a tree to the ground below and it would sound like glass was breaking when the top layer of snow shattered. I tried to capture its ethereal beauty on camera, but the photos don’t do it justice. The street lamps cast a reflection that made all of our yards look like water or glass instead of land. This is the best I could do with photos:
*None of these photos are retouched.
Doesn’t it look like I live in the middle of a frozen lake in some of the photos?
Other oddities include an electrical issue and a very quirky birthday party! The electrical issue happened at my parents house in the room where much of my stuff still is. There have been odd issues with the wiring in there for awhile because nothing ever seems to work right and the lamps blow bulbs out way too frequently. So I put a brand new bulb in and within 10 min. I was sitting in the pitch dark. Normally when a lamp blows a bulb you hear a popping noise. This time nothing. So I went over to turn off the lamp and when I reach my hand out the bulb starts glowing again before I’ve even turned the switch. Almost like my body was a conductor. I wound up getting a little electric shock.
Not long after that I went in my garden room to find what looked like coca cola all over my nice wool blanket from Ireland and the sofa underneath. It took me awhile to figure out what on earth it was until I heard a drip drip and looked up to see a leak in our ceiling. I suspect it was from the built up layers of snow and ice finally melting. Between the electrical thing and the roof, it has forced me to confront the clutter I’ve been avoiding (the electrician had to be able to get in there to rewire things!). It has actually been a good thing as I’ve been meaning to sort through the piles of stuff stored at my parents house for a loooong time. Sometimes the universe conspires to make us confront things we have been putting off before we think we are ready! So the de-cluttering began. I’m purging and simplifying and although it is a lot of work it feels good. There will be a separate blog post about getting rid of clutter…
Backtracking a bit, I had a wonderful Valentine’s Day! I created a romantic meal at home similar to the one I blogged about HERE if you missed it. We tried a new dish-Beef Merlot. It was like a fancy beef stew with a Merlot wine sauce. We had a baguette loaf with it and it was sooo good!! (side note we ordered it from Schwan’s in case you are wanting to try some). We were snowed in that weekend and Matt hadn’t gotten out to go to the store, so I didn’t expect to get a Valentine. He surprised me with the most beautiful red roses and baby’s breath with a card and box of Lindt truffles!
February 27 was my birthday (I’ll let you guess how old I am now 🙂 ). I won’t talk much about it here as it is part of an inspiring topic (with podcast) that I’ll be sharing for poetic Friday this week. Let’s just say that the week leading up to it was a very bad week and I hadn’t made any plans. What I half expected to be just another day turned out to be one of my best birthdays! It was quirky and a bit strange and included poetry and a princess tea party with my dad and some cats. HA! More to come soon…
With the weather now warming up, I have been working on my health & well being and taking walks as often as I’m able. I have been doing business things and graphic design jobs in between all of these things. Life is full of the unexpected- which is what makes it magical AND an adventure! I continue to work on transforming all areas of my life while finding the inspiration and magic of seemingly ordinary days.
This week will be a full one (and fun too!). Wednesday I am hosting a conference call for one of my businesses. Thursday I am working one on one with a new client, which I am excited about because I love paying special attention to people! I am also entertaining Matt’s cousin and his 2 children. Matt’s favorite meal (my Italian meatball subs) has been requested. 🙂 This weekend I am throwing one of my theme parties for a newer friend’s birthday who is going through a very hard time. It is going to be a surprise whacky pajama party based on “The Divine Secrets of the Ya Ya Sisterhood”. In the words of author SARK, I have also “invited someone dangerous over to tea” 😀 . Actually I have invited 3 new people over for some pampering and fun in the weeks to come! I am finding the older I get that I really enjoy serving others by opening my heart and home with hospitality and love. I know that serving, helping, and comforting others in need of something or other is part of my life’s purpose.
Now you have a peek into my life these days (the summarized version)! There is more to come with gardening season coming up, my wedding, home redo’s and all of the other plans I have. I hope you enjoy these casual letters because you really do matter to me. Have a wonderful day and may God richly bless you!
With Love,