Cat Colony Christmas Photos (Their First Christmas)

One last set of photos to share from Christmas for (mostly) Wordless Wednesday.  If you have been keeping up with my blog, then by now you know about my efforts to help a Feral and Stray Cat Colony issue in my neighborhood.  All of the photos today are of colony cats.  Some of them are the outside ones we help, and some of them are indoor ones that have now been adopted.  This was their first Christmas! 🙂 We wanted to bring a little joy to their lives.  If you would like to read more about the colony cats I care for and their stories, you can click HERE to be taken to the archives, or just look for the Cat Colony tab on my website.  Looking out for the … Continue Reading

Cat Tales-A Christmas Tree for Tangerine

Calico Cat under the Christmas Tree

  Once upon a time there was a funny little calico cat named Tangerine.  Tangerine didn’t have a home and lived outside with a group of other homeless feral cats (feral meaning not used to human contact).  One day in the summer Tangerine decided to hide under the lounge chair where a girl sat outside reading books and giving love to some of the other cats  that Tangerine knew.  Tangerine would sometimes bat at the girl from under the chair, as she was a very silly and playful kitten.   She was starving and skinny and needed some help because her fur was falling out and she had sores all over.  She was pretty much a mess.  So she reached out to the girl, who helped her get to the … Continue Reading

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