Cell Phones-A Funny Poem About Technology and Modern Times

It’s Friday Night which means it is time for poetry in Five!  The word this week is Patience (note, I went to the FMF facebook page to get the word and I guess Patience was the Tuesday word, which I didn’t notice until now.  I already wrote on Patience so, my apologies fellow FMFers for having the word wrong).  My 5 min. ran out about halfway through the poem today, but I was having fun with it so I continued on.  Hopefully my readers have a sense of humor and will laugh at this (I love making you guys smile!), because this week’s poem is meant to be funny, satirical and a bit hyperbole.  I went the direction of relating patience (or lack thereof) to the challenges of living in a modern … Continue Reading

God’s Doing Something New With Me-Poetry in Five

It’s Friday , which means it is time for my Poetry in Five Series!  This is where I link up with my favorite writing prompt community to write for five minutes on the word of the week.  I have a goal of writing more poetry (as it is one of my main loves when it comes to words), so I give myself the extra challenge of writing a poem (and a rhyming one if possible).  Today’s word is NEW.  These words were inspired by a conversation I had with a lady who is going through a very hard time right now.  Having each gone through some very trying times in life, we talked about new beginnings and the miracles that have been present every step along the way!   Today’s … Continue Reading

Everyday Miracles-God Sent Me a Heart!

God loves us quote

Sometimes people want to know where my joy despite the tough stuff comes from.  Why am I so perky?  How do such serendipitous things find their way to me? etc.  It really is because of the presence of God in my life.  This is part of my testimony and I know it’s something that not everyone relates to, but I have to be authentically me.  I experience little everyday miracles frequently, and I know that is because of 1. God’s love & grace and 2. My awareness of them.  I am willing and open to receiving them,  noticing them, hunting for them (being a blessings hunter, which you can read more about that on my website’s About page), asking God for them, thanking God for them, and making sure I … Continue Reading

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